Fèis Rois Gaelic residential

The Old Brewery Cromarty

Tha Fèis Rois a’ cumail tachartas bogaidh Gàidhlig do dh’ òigridh, aig An t-Seann Taigh-grùide ann an Cromba, eadar 5f, Didòmhnaich 18mh – 3f, Dimàirt 20 Gearran 2024. Tha e fosgailte do chlann àrd-sgoile ann an AS1-4 nach deach tro fhoghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig, ach a tha ag ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig.’S e cothrom air […]

Mount Cameron Primary School Gaelic Classes and Opportunities for Parents

Mount Cameron Primary School and Calderglen High School East Kilbride

We are running a variety of Gaelic activities for families of our school community throughout the week (weekly plan attached). We are also hosting a large dance on the Friday evening in conjunction with Calderglen High School from 19:00-21:00 on the Friday evening (details attached). If you wish to attend anything we have on offer, […]

Dè Chanas Sibhse?

Aig 7f gach oidhche bho Dhiluain gu Dihaoine thar Seachdain na Gàidhlig, sgaoilidh mise bhidiothan a tha mi fhèin air a rannsachadh is a chlàradh mu dhiofar fhaclan, abairtean, ghnàthsan-cainnte, chleachdaidhean is m.s.a.a mun t-sìde. Bidh na bhidiothan seo gu sònraichte a' taisbeanadh an dualchainnt agam fhìn an Uibhist a Tuath, ach aig deireadh gach […]

Tachartasan aig Ceann na h-Àirigh

Ceann na h-Àirigh, Griomsaigh Uibhist

Diluain, 19mh den Ghearran aig 7f. Monday, 19th February at 7 p.m. SGRÎOBHADH: Cothrom tighinn cruinn còmhla ann an Ceann na h-Àirigh gus sùil a thoirt air bàrdachd, sgeulachdan agus dràma Eilean Ghriomsaigh. WRITING: An opportunity to gather together in Ceann na h-Àirigh to consider some of Grimsay’s poetry, short stories and drama. Diciadain, 21mh […]

Car a’ Mhuiltein | Somersaults


Car a’ Mhuiltein | Somersaults, a new Gaelic short film by Gaelic playwright Iain Finlay Macleod Shot on the Isle of Lewis and featuring archive footage from his family’s traditional weaving craft and home movies, this new deeply personal digital artwork is inspired by Iain Finlay Macleod's 2011 stage production for the National Theatre of Scotland. […]


Gaelic in Strathnairn / Gàidhlig ann an Srath Naruinn

Balla Coimhearsnachd Farr // Farr Community Hall Inverarnie Park, Inverness

Monday: Gaelic theme to Strathnairn Community Arts Group 10:30-12:00 Monday: Gaelic heritage of Strathnairn. Presentation by Willie Forbes, Strathnairn Heritage Association 19:30-21:00 Wednesday: Gaelic Conversation Café / Cafaidh Còmhraidh - Gàidhlig ann an Srath Naruinn 10:30-12:00 Friday: Gaelic Music Café / Àm is Àite, Strathnairn Music Initiative 15:30-17:00 Saturday: Gaelic Conversation Café / Cafaidh Còmhraidh […]

Sgeul | Story – Taisbeanadh Iain Òg Ìle // John Francis Campbell Exhibition

National Library of Scotland George IV Bridge, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Faigh a-mach mu na sgeulachdan Gàidhlig air leth a chruinnich Iain Òg Ìle (1821-1885). Gu 20mh den Ghiblean, 2024   Tha Sgeul | Story na taisbeanadh ann an Gàidhligagus Beurla mu sgeulachdan agus traidiseanan seanchais. Bidh daoine ag innse sgeulachdan gach latha. Tha sgeul air a cumail beò le sgeulaiche ga h-innse do dhaoine eile. […]

Seachdain na Gàidhlig aig TnP

Bun-sgoil Taobh na Pàirce Edinburgh

Bun-sgoil Taobh na Pàirce are running a number of taster workshops for pupils which include drama, shinty, music and highland dancing. We will also host a Leugh le Linda session for sgoil-araich pupils. On Friday, we will be hosting a Gaelic Cafe morning for members of the Edinburgh Gaelic community.

Let’s Talk About Gaelic

Lairg & District Learning Centre Schoolhouse, Lairg, United Kingdom

Are you interested in finding out more about Gaelic language and culture? This session will cover a brief overview of Gaelic and its place within Sutherland - past, present and future. We'll cover placenames, heritage, culture, language use and notable people from the area within this whistle stop tour. There will also be an opportunity […]


Menzieshill – An Introduction to Gaelic

Menzieshill Community Hub 260 Dickson Avenue, Dundee, United Kingdom

Free Introduction to Gaelic session in Menzieshill Community Hub for complete beginners or people who want to brush up on any Gaelic they have. All are welcome but to confirm a place please email boraraig@outlook.com Supported by Menzieshill Local Management Group // Gàidhlig do Luchd-Ionnnsachaidh ann an Ionad-Coimhearsnachd Mhenzieshill. Curaibh post-d do boraraig@outlook.com airson àite […]


Cearcall Còmhradh Dùn Phàrlain

Granary Cafe, Carnegie Library and Galleries Dunfermline

An informal conversation group for all language levels.

Scrabble Gàidhlig

Douglas Hotel Brodick

An d’fhuair sibh geama Scrabble Gàidhlig aig àm na Nollaig? Thig is cluich còmhla rinn! Craic math agus faclan ùra! An opportunity to enjoy a game of Gaelic Scrabble with other players. Good fun and lots of new words! Cost: Free


Gaeláras Mhic Árdghail 6b Chapel Street Upper, Newry, United Kingdom

Community Library access Monday-Thursday to resources for learners, dictionaries, magazines, recordings - tha beagan Gàidhlig againn. Cost: Free

An Seisean Seinn ~ Singing Session

The Rockfield Centre Oban, Argyll

1 day group work music workshop involving 11-18 year olds from the Oban and Lorn area, building on Fèis Latharna’s Sunday Sessions monthly group work initiative. The focus of the workshop will be on Gaelic song - òrain luaidh / puirt a beul. The participants will learn to sing, play and arrange new material, and […]


Geama Gàidhlig/ Gaelic Scrabble

Carneigie Library and Galleries Dunfermline

Informal game of Scrabble, with options for fluent speakers and learners.

Family Gaelic Class – Kirkton

Kirkton Community Centre Derwent Avenue, Dundee

Free Gaelic taster session for families in Kirkton Community Centre for complete beginners and all ages. Aftwr school session so snacks will be provided. All are welcome but to confirm a place please email boraraig@outlook.com Supported by Kirkton Local Management Group // Gàidhlig do theaghlaich ann an Ionad-Coimhearsnachd Kirkton Curaibh post-d do boraraig@outlook.com airson àite […]


Education Scotland – Leading Gaelic Education in Scotland Workshop – Aig Ceann Foghlam Gàidhlig an Alba


This workshop will be held primarily in English and is only open to those with a local authority or GLOW e-mail address. This workshop is suitable for all practitioners, but especially those in leadership roles working in or with Gaelic Medium Education (GME), Gaelic Learner Education (GLE) and Learning about Gaelic Language and Culture (LGAC). […]


EUSA Societies Drop-in: Running Bilingual Events

EUSA Activities Office, Pleasance Edinburgh

Ceistean agad mu thachartasan mion-chànain? Thig còmhla ri EUSA airson an drop-in sònraichte seo a bhios a’ toirt sùil air lìbhrigeadh tachartasan is cruthachadh goireasan dhan Ghàidhlig, BSL agus mion-chànain eile. // Questions about hosting minority language events? Come and join EUSA for this special societies drop-in focussing on delivering events and creating resources for […]


Cafaidh Ionad Iain Noble, Sabhal Mòr Ostaig/ Cafe IIN, Sabhal Mòr Ostaig Sleat, Isle of Skye

Ma tha thu a' lorg cothrom do chuid Ghàidhlig a chleachdadh, bidh srùbag is rudeigin milis ri fhaighinn an-asgaidh aig Cafaidh IIN gach oidhche Luain. Cothrom bruidhinn neo-fhoirmeil dhuibhse a tha fileanta, a’ coimhead airson barrachd misneachd, no a tha aig toiseach ur slighe leis a’ Ghàidhlig. Bidh fàilte chridheil romhaibh uile! 18:00 – 19:00: […]

Pop-up Gàidhealtachd and Language Taster

Student Community Lounge, Potterrow Edinburgh

Cothrom sàmhach, sòisealta airson do chuid Ghàidhlig a chleachdadh agus gus barrachd fhaighinn a-mach mu chànan is chultar na Gàidhlig, air a chumail san t-Seòmar-suidhe sa Photterrow. // A relaxed, social space for using your Gaelic and finding out more about Gaelic language and culture, held in the Student Community Lounge in Potterrow. Cost: Free

Gaelic Conversation Group

Fort William Free Church of Scotland Fort William

Thigibh ann airson cothrom còmhraidh agus srùpag! Come along for a cuppa and a blether to mark Seachdain na Gàidhlig! Beginners and fluent speakers welcome, this is a great opportunity to meet with others in the community with an interest in Gaelic. Supported by Comunn na Gàidhlig Cost: Free

Lairg Gaelic Choir – Thigibh ann! Join in our rehearsal

Lairg Church of Scotland Lairg

Are you interested in joining a Gaelic choir? What better time to start than during Seachdain na Gàidhlig. Join Lairg Gaelic Choir at their rehearsal on Monday 19th February from 7.30pm to hear us sing and find out what we do. Our members come from Sutherland and Ross-shire and our rehearsals take place in Lairg […]


Ceilidh Song School

St Mungos Church 4 St Mungo's Road, Cumbernauld, United Kingdom

Join Cumbernauld Gaelic Choir and top Gaelic singer, James Graham with superb accordionist Charlie Kirkpatrick for a 'Ceilidh Song School' where you can learn the choruses to some 'ceilidh classics'. While for many Scots, the word 'ceilidh' means dances you learned at school every Christmas, a traditional Gaelic ceilidh is a night of music, singing […]

Free pop-up Gaelic lessons

The Croft Celtic Cultural Centre and Cafe Glen Innes, New South Wales, Australia

A bheil thu ann an Gleann Aonghuis (Astràilia), agus ùidh agad anns a' Ghàidhlig?  Thig còmhla rinn aig a' Chroit aig na Tursachan Astràilianach Di Màirt 20 An Gearran air 9.00m no 9.30m.  Bidh priob-chlas againn:  ionnsaich beagan abairtean Gàidhlig agus eisd ri dhàn no dhà. // Are you in Glen Innes Highlands and curious […]

Dannsa Airson Na Gàidhlig / Dance With Gaelic

Balloch Village Hall Inverness, United Kingdom

A fun music and movement class for 2-5 years olds with their adult. The sessions will encourage people to come together, to improve mental health and wellbeing through physical activity and social interactions, all whilst promoting the medium of Gaelic. Gaelic speakers and those with an interest in learning Gaelic are invited to hear and […]


Dannsa Airson Na Gàidhlig // Dance With Gaelic

Balloch Village Hall Inverness, United Kingdom

Clas ciùil is gluasad spòrsail dha pàistean is am pàrantan, gus slàinte inntinn is sunnd a leasachadh tro a bhith a’ gluasad agus sòisealeachadh, agus iad uile a’ brosnachadh na Gàidhlig. Thathas a’ toirt cuireadh do feadhainn aig a bheil Gàidhlig agus duine sam bith aig a bheil ùidh ann a bhith ag ionnsachadh na […]



Gaeláras Mhic Árdghail 6b Chapel Street Upper, Newry, United Kingdom

Community Library access Monday-Thursday to resources for learners, dictionaries, magazines, recordings - tha beagan Gàidhlig againn. Cost: Free

Football Fun Day

Bidh Comunn na Gàidhlig a’ cumail tachartas spòrsail ball-coise airson òigridh le Gàidhlig ann an Dùn Èideann. Thèid na seiseanan a lìbhreagadh le sgoilearan Gàidhlig bho Àrd-Sgoil Sheumais Ghilleasbaig, do sgoilearan aig aois bun-sgoile. Thar na mìosan a dh’fhalbh, tha buidhean de sgoilearan aig Bun Sgoil Taobh na Pàirce air a bhith ag obair air […]


Sgeulachdan Siarach

Grinneabhat North Bragar, Isle of Lewis

Tha Sgeulachdan Siarach airson clann eadar aois 5 – 12 a th’ ann an GME agus EME.  Thèid a chlann gu trì àitichean ionadail agus ionnsaichidh iad mu ainmean àite agus sgeulachdan co-cheangailte ri na h-àitichean sin.  Tillidh iad an uairsin a Ghrinneabhat airson ealan a chruthachadh a tha co-cheangailte ris na dh’ionnsaich iad.  Tha […]


Gaelic Taster Session

An Lòchran, 22 Mansfield Street, Partick, Glasgow

Free drop in session as a friendly introduction to the Gaelic language. Cost: Free

Sgeulachd, Seinn is Cupan | Story, Singing and a Cuppa

Thornliebank Primary Main Street, Glasgow, East Renfrewshire

Cothrom do phàrantan le clann fo aois sgoile a’ tadhail oirnn aig Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Thornliebank. Èist ri sgeulachd, seinn òrain is gabh cupan! Leig fios don sgoil ma tha thu airson a’ tighinn ann. An opportunity for parents with children under school age to visit Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Thornliebank / Thornliebank Primary School. Listen to a […]

Srùbag air an Rathad!

Gasta Portree, Isle of Skye

14.00-15.00: Srùbag air an Rathad le Speak up for Gaelic Port Rìgh Ma tha thu a' lorg cothrom do chuid Ghàidhlig a chleachdadh, bidh ‘Speak up for Gaelic Portree’ agus Sabhal Mòr Ostaig a’ tighinn còmhla gus Srùbag a chur air dòigh aig Gasta aig an ‘Isle of Skye Candle Company Visitor Centre’ ann am […]

Calman nan Loch

Martin Hall New College, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh

Award-winning documentary follows a local Lochs community as they re-enact the Psalmboat journeys of Loch Erisort, Isle of Lewis.


Fiosrachadh mu dheidhinn Sabhal Mòr Ostaig/ Drop-in Session about Sabhal Mòr Ostaig

Gasta Portree, Isle of Skye

Thig còmhla rinn gus beagan fios fhaighinn mu dheidhinn nan cùrsaichean againn aig Sabhal Mòr Ostaig. Bho chùrsaichean làn-ùine is pàirt-ùine, air an làraich agus air-loidhne, cùrsaichean goirid agus clasaichean coimhearsnachd, bidh rudeigin ann dhan a h-uile duine! A bharrachd air fios mun Cholaiste, bidh cuideachd beagan ceòl ri chluinntinn bho cuid de na h-oileanaich […]

Family Gaelic Session – Hilltown

Hilltown Community Centre Alexander Street, Dundee

Free Gaelic taster session for families in Hilltown Community Centre for complete beginners and all ages. After school session so snacks will be provided. All are welcome but to confirm a place please email boraraig@outlook.com Supported by Hilltown Local Management Group // Gàidhlig do theaghlaich ann an Ionad-Coimhearsnachd Hilltown Curaibh post-d do boraraig@outlook.com airson àite […]


Òraid – Ruairidh MacThòmais // Talk – Derick Thomson

University of Aberdeen King’s College, Aberdeen, United Kingdom

Come and listen to a talk about Gaelic poet Derick Thomson at University of Aberdeen in room MR126. With Petra Johana Poncarová, Michelle MacLeod and Derrick McClure.

Gaelic at Kelvin College Open Evening

Kelvin College Springburn Campus Glasgow

Find out about our new course Fàilte gu Gaelic at Kelvin College Springburn Campus. 5.30 -7pm Tuesday 20th February all prospective students and families welcome. Cost: Free

Introduction to Gaelic Session – Kirkton

Kirkton Community Centre Derwent Avenue, Dundee

Free Introduction to Gaelic session in Kirkton Community Cebte for complete beginners or people who want to brush up on any Gaelic they have. All are welcome but to confirm a place please email boraraig@outlook.com Supported by Kirkton Community Centre Local Management Group // Gàidhlig do Luchd-Ionnnsachaidh ann an Ionad-Coimhearsnachd Kirkton Curaibh post-d do boraraig@outlook.com […]


Dè th’ ann an Leabhraichean Ainme an t-Suirbhidh Òrdanais bho na 1860an? What are the Ordnance Survey Name Books from the 1860s?


Iain Mac an Tàilleir formerly of Sabhal Mòr Ostaig will be looking at the value of the Ordnance Survey Name Books in identifying residual Gaelic areas in the 19th century. Cò ghanbh trusadh nan ainmean os làimh agus cò na tùsan fiosrachaidh aca? Ciamar a chuidicheas na Leabhraichean Ainme sinn ann an sònrachadh sgìrean far […]


Ceilidh Club Live with Lauren Macleod


Ruig is thog Lauren NicLeòid ann an Leodhas, am baile Lacasdal. Thòisich i a’ seinn mar nighean og am bun-sgoil anns a’ Mhòd, agus thòirt sin dhi uidh ann an òrain, bàrdachd agus ceòl. Tha ì a-nis a’ fuireachd ann an Lunnain, far an d’rinn i ceum mhaighstireachd ann an seinn clasaigeach agus opera aig […]

World Gaelic Week Scottish Session

The Tailor Public House New York City, NY, United States

NYC Tartan Week and the New York Caledonian Club host a World Gaelic Week-themed session, just in time for the second annual NYC Tartan Week Mòd. Brush up on your Gaelic, just in time for the second annual NYC Tartan Week Mòd! With the help of our Mòd host, Joy Dunlop, and Seachdain na Gàidhlig […]


Latha nan Lèintean-T Gàidhlig 2024 (Gaelic T-Shirt Day 2024)

Tha Latha nan Lèintean-T Gàidhlig a' tilleadh am-bliadhna mar phàirt de thachartasan Seachdain na Gàidhlig! Cuir ort lèine-T no geansaidh le Gàidhlig sgrìobhte air Diciadain, 21 Gearran, agus brosnaich daoine eile gus pàirt a ghabhail san latha cuideachd. Tha ar caraidean aig Sona Design a' tabhann lùghdachach prìse 20% air na lèintean-T aca eadar 01/02/24 […]

Fèis Eunlaith Geamhraidh Eilean Ìle / Islay’s Winter Birdlife Festival

Ionad Chaluim Chille Ìle Bogha Mòr / Bowmore

21 – 23 An Gearran 2024 Ionad Chaluim Chille Ìle, Bogha Mòr, Ìle Thig còmhla rinn airson sreath de thachartasan a’ comharrachadh fiadh-bheatha iongantach a’ gheamhraidh ann an Ìle. Togail dhealbhan agus obair ealain Sgeulachdan le luchd-labhairt dùthchasach na Gàidhlig • Treòraichte ag amharc eòin leis an RSPB • Gnìomhan airson clann • Seiseanan ID […]


Ionad Chaluim Chille Ìle Bogha Mòr / Bowmore

Cothrom airson Gàidhlig bruidhinn. Cost: Free

Cròileagan Air Chuairt

Tollcross Community Centre 117 Fountainbridge, Edinburgh

Thigeabh le Cròileagan Dhùn Èideann, buidheann Gàidhlig dha pàrantan agus pàistean, air turas bàta sios Canàl an Aonaidh bho Chidhe Dhun Èideann gu Pàirc MacEanraig airson sealg-nàdair, òrain agus àm a bhi a’ cluich anns a’ phàirc. A’ coinneachadh aig Ionad-Coimhearsnachd Crois Na Cìse aig 10m // Join Cròileagan Dhùn Èideann, Gaelic Parent & Toddler […]


Gaeláras Mhic Árdghail 6b Chapel Street Upper, Newry, United Kingdom

Community Library access Monday-Thursday to resources for learners, dictionaries, magazines, recordings - tha beagan Gàidhlig againn. Cost: Free