Tha Fèis Rois a’ cumail tachartas bogaidh Gàidhlig do dh’ òigridh, aig An t-Seann Taigh-grùide ann an Cromba, eadar 5f, Didòmhnaich 18mh – 3f, Dimàirt 20 Gearran 2024. Tha e fosgailte do chlann àrd-sgoile ann an AS1-4 nach deach tro fhoghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig, ach a tha ag ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig.’S e cothrom air leth a bhios ann do dh’òigridh airson deireadh-seachdain a chur seachad còmhla agus a bhith an sàs ann an iomadh bhùth-obrach agus tachartas – leithid ceòl, òran, dràma, dannsa, còcaireachd agus fighe – uile tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig. Bidh àm sòisealta ann air an oidhche cuideachd airson a’ tighinn còmhla ann an còmhradh is a’ cluich.
Fèis Rois is holding a two-day Gaelic Residential event for young people at The Old Brewery in Cromarty, from Sunday 18th to Tuesday 20th February 2024. The event is open to Gaelic Learners in S1-4 and is a great opportunity for young people to immerse themselves in Gaelic through a range of workshops, sessions and activities. The workshops will focus on participatory activities through the medium of Gaelic – such as music, song, drama, dance, cookery, knitting and storytelling – as well as communal meals and evening activities led by Gaelic speaking tutors and supervisors, including Arthur Donald, Rona Wilkie and Sophie Stephenson.
This is a ‘Pay what you can’, meaning families are able to pay what they can afford. On the booking site, you will see four payment options, starting with “I can’t pay anything and would like to get a free place.” If you can pay more, then you have options to pay £25, £50, £75, £100 or £125. £125 represents the cost of accommodation, food, workshops (including materials used during the workshops) and evening activities. We want every child to be able to take advantage of this opportunity, so please choose the payment option that suits you. The weekend can also be paid for in instalments.