Aig 7f gach oidhche bho Dhiluain gu Dihaoine thar Seachdain na Gàidhlig, sgaoilidh mise bhidiothan a tha mi fhèin air a rannsachadh is a chlàradh mu dhiofar fhaclan, abairtean, ghnàthsan-cainnte, chleachdaidhean is m.s.a.a mun t-sìde. Bidh na bhidiothan seo gu sònraichte a’ taisbeanadh an dualchainnt agam fhìn an Uibhist a Tuath, ach aig deireadh gach bhidio bidh mi a’ crìochnachadh le bhith a’ faighneachd ‘Dè chanas sibhse?’ Tha mi an dòchas gum brosnaich seo daoine gu bhith còmhradh ri muinntir an teaghlaich aca fhèin is nàbaidhean san sgìre mu na faclan, abairtean is eile a th’ acasan san dualchainnt aca fhèin. Bidh cothrom ann teachdaireachdan fhàgail air gach post a thèid suas le na bhidiothan, airson is gun urrainnear còmhradh a thòiseachadh mu bhriathrachas na sìde. Bidh na bhidiothan rin lorg air an sianal YouTube agam: www.youtube.com/@LindaNicLeoid & air an duilleag Twitter agam @LindaNicLeoid.
At 7pm from Monday to Friday evening during World Gaelic Week, I will be sharing different videos I have recorded and researched about Gaelic words, phrases, proverbs, omens, beliefs etc about the weather, from my own Gaelic dialect in North Uist. I will conclude each video by asking ‘Dè chanas sibhse?’ to encourage those who watch to think about the Gaelic weather vocabulary in their own community or to ask parents/grandparents/neighbours about the topic and add to those collected in the videos. People can comment on the YouTube & social media posts and start the conversation that way. The videos will be shared on my YouTube channel www.youtube.com/@LindaNicLeoid & on my Twitter page @LindaNicLeoid.