Faigh Ar Cuairt-Litir
Airson an fhiosrachaidh agus nan naidheachdan as ùire
Seachdain na Gàidhlig
World Gaelic Week
Tha Seachdain na Gàidhlig air a cho-òrdanachadh le Hands Up for Trad, Àireamh Carthannas na h-Alba 035 190.
Bùth-obrach peantadh airson inbhich Cost: £5
Bu math le Comann Camanachd Acadamaidh Dhrochaid an Easbaig cuireadh a thoirt dhuibh gu Farpais nan Gàidheal 2024 a thèid a chumail aig Acadamaidh Dhrochaid an Easbaig air Diciadain 21mh […]
Tha Eden Court toilichte bùth-obrach seinn co-sheirmean a thabhainn do choisir òg Inbhir Nis
San tachartas eadar-obrachail air-loidhne seo, bheir oifigearan Gàidhlig is BSL na Pàrlamaid sùil air na rudan a tha coltach agus eadar-dhealaichte eadar na coimhearsnachdan Gàidhlig agus BSL, a’ coimhead air […]
Tha Bun-Sgoil Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu a’ cuir air dòigh consairt airson duine sam bidh sa choimhearsnachd Gàidhlig ann an Glaschu. Bidh tì/cofaidh s cèic ann cuideachd s Clas 7 a’ cruinneachadh […]
Local Gaelic naturalist, broadcaster and storyteller, Ruairidh Maclean, will introduce us to Gaelic names and lore connected with some of the plants in the GROW garden, followed by a chat […]
Introduction to Gaelic Bookbug for families in a warm safe friendly environment. Cost: Free
Thigibh ann airson cabadaich agus òrain sa Ghàidhlig còmhla ri Mairead NicNeacail. Èist no seinn còmhla aig an taigh. Tha a’ bhuidheann seo airson daoine air a bheil seargadh-inntinne agus […]
Bu toil le Àrd-sgoil Ìle tachartas mòr sgoile a dhèanamh a chuireas fàilte air ar coimhearsnachd. Bidh còmhradh Gàidhlig a bhrosnachadh fhad ’s a tha còmhlan-ciùil traidiseanta na sgoile a' […]
Seonag Barbour who will be talking about “The Lost Ways and Words of Crofting”. This talk will be a personal acknowledgment from Seonag of a unique lifestyle and precious heritage […]
Free Gaelic taster session for families in Charleston Community Centre for complete beginners and all ages. After school session so snacks will be provided. All are welcome but to confirm […]
Haidh cabagan! Seo do chuireadh tighinn dhan "Craft Pottery" comhla rinn air an 21mh den Ghearran. Bidh sinn a' cabag, a' cabadaich agus a' peantadh sa Ghàidhlig. Tha tiocaidean a' […]
Join us for a one-off screening of the first contemporary film in Scots Gaelic. Film synopsis: Làn fhìrinn na sgeòil. The truth is in the story. The film tells the […]
A relaxed, informal talk on the Gaelic heritage of Leslie and the clues left 'hidden' in the landscape and placenames. This event is in partnership with Leslie Heritage Group and […]
Dr. Jake King of Ainmean-Àite na h-Alba will be talking about his latest book The A to Z of Whisky Place-Names: Landscape, Language & Invention. An robh ceist oirbh riamh […]
Free Introduction to Gaelic session in Douglas Community Centre for complete beginners or people who want to brush up on any Gaelic they have. All are welcome but to confirm […]
Free Introduction to Gaelic session in Hilltown Community Centre for complete beginners or people who want to brush up on any Gaelic they have. All are welcome but to confirm […]
Bùth-obrach sèinn Ghàidhlig spòrsail agus fiosrachail ann an òrain Ghàidhlig agus an sgeulachdan.Togaibh ur guthan ri chèile gus eòlas a chur air saoghal nan òran Gàidhlig agus òran Gàidhlig Chataibh. […]
Come and sing some well known (and less well known) Gaelic songs with Còisir Dhùn Èideann (Edinburgh Gaelic Choir) and Bria Mason We welcome anyone with an interest in Gaelic […]
Come and sing some well known (and less well known) Gaelic songs with Còisir Dhùn Èideann (Edinburgh Gaelic Choir) and Bria Mason We welcome anyone with an interest in Gaelic […]
'S e cothrom a th' ann a thachair ri duine eile le ùidh anns a' Ghàidhlig agus a' gabhail beagan spòrs. Bidh sinn a' bruidhinn sa' Ghàidhlig agus ag innse […]
Did you know about the Gaelic Choir which rehearses in Stirling and has members from Perthshire, Fife and Falkirk as well as Stirling? Do you like Gaelic music? Are you […]
Mother. Often the first word we learn in the languages of our elders. But what shapes the words we use to tell our stories and sing our songs as we […]
Thig còmhla ri preasantair telebhisean chloinne Linda NicLeòid airson Leugh is Seinn le Linda – seiseanan-leughaidh Gàidhlig loma-làn sgeulachdan 's rannan. Join children's TV presenter Linda Macleod for Read and […]
Two Live 20 minute online presentations showing the different careers having Gaelic can open up followed by the opportunity to ask questions. 09:45 - Joy Dunlop 10:45 - Koren Pickering […]
Seisean còmhraidh ann an suidheachadh neo-fhoirmeil. Thigibh ann! Informal Gaelic conversation session. All language ability levels welcome!
Join Gaelic Development Worker, Kirsty Strachan, on a free leisurely stroll through Lochore to explore our Gaelic and Scots connections to the natural environment through language and folklore. This walk […]
Guided birdwatching with the RSPB Cost: £5
Bidh Mairead Bush bho Bith Chruinne Rois an Iar a bruidhinn ri na sgoilearan aig Ard Sgoil Ulapul mun dreuchd aice aig Bith Chruinne Rois an Iar (Oifeagair Leasachaidh na […]
Leughaidh sinn an sgeulachd ùr, 'A' Chroabh-ghiuthais Bheag', a thèid fhoillseachadh airson Seachdain na Gàidhlig air Diluain 19mh An Gearran. Bidh MJ Deans, cleasaiche deagh-aithnichte, còmhla rinn agus ag innse […]
Bidh Sgoil a’ Phluic 3-18 a’ dèanamh Cofaidh ’s Còmhradh air Diardaoin 22 dhen Ghearran 14f - 1515f. Faodaidh duine ionadail ’s an cairdean a’ tighinn gus Gàidhlig a bruidhinn. […]
Gabh an cothrom òrain ionnsachadh ann an suidheachadh taiceil agus neo-fhoirmeil. Seinnidh sinn measgachadh de dh’òrain a’ gabhail a-steach òrain obrach ruitheamach, òrain chèilidh shunndach, puirt-a-beul beothail agus tàlaidhean socair. […]
Tha Màrtainn agus Màiri air a bhith ag obair gu dlùth còmhla, fad dà bhliadhna, air pròiseact òran, ciùil is sgeulachd mu na Fianna a thèid fhaicinn aig Celtic Connections […]
"Gaelic Bookbug" le Donnchadh MacNèill. Gaelic Bookbug with Duncan MacNeil - for children aged 3-5 years.
Cabadaich Gàidhlig, tì agus cofaidh le Donnchadh MacNèill. Gaelic chat, tea and coffee with Duncan MacNeil.
Come and listen to a talk by Dr Frances Wilkins about Gaelic Spiritual singing at the University of Aberdeen in room MR126.
LEUGHADH CÒMHLA Tha Leabharlann an t-Sabhail Mhòir toilichte fàilte a chur ort aig a' bhuidheann-leughaidh. Bidh am buidheann seo ag amas air luchd-leughaidh aig ìre eadar-mheadhanach àrd is air adhart, […]
A community cèilidh that aims to bring together our families past and present who have attended Sgoil- Àraich Tollbrae. There will be entertainment from Greenfaulds' Trad band and 'Step Wee […]
A brief look at the history and heritage of Fife from a Gaelic perspective. Booking is via Cupar Library, 01334 659367 Cost: Free
An introduction to the Gaelic Language in a warm, safe friendly environment. Cost: Free
Gaelic is used every day in the city but now only in the place names and street names like the story of the Gaels in Dundee has also been lost. […]
Seachdain na Gaidhlig comes to Lanark. Seachdain na Gaidhlig , or World Gaelic week runs from February 19th to 25th , with BBC’s Joy Dunlop at the helm. Clydesdale Gaelic’s […]
Thig còmhla ri sgoilearan Bun Sgoil Dhùn Bheagain airson cèilidh far am bidh sinn a’ seinn na h-òrain as fheàrr leinn. Bidh Darren MacIlleathain, Kirsteen Graham agus Iona NicDhòmhnaill còmhla […]
In this online song workshop, Wilma will teach you some Gaelic songs which we will all sing together. Mics will be off, so nobody outside of your own household will […]
The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland welcomes special guest Mary Ann Kennedy and friends to headline a showcase of Gaelic and Scots songs, featuring students on the Conservatoire's renowned BMus Traditional […]
The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland welcomes special guest Mary Ann Kennedy and friends for a showcase of Gaelic and Scots song, featuring students on the Conservatoire's renowned BMus Traditional Music […]
Join Nodha for another night of musical variety! The brainchild of multi-instrumentalist Calum Macleod, Nodha is a project linking Traditional Gaelic tunes and songs with jazz and electronics (amongst other […]
Join us for an exciting evening of "Rude and Rebellious Gaelic Poetry" with Dr. Peter Mackay from the University of St Andrews. As part of Seachdain na Gàidhlig 2024, Dr. […]
Thigibh còmhla rinn fhad’s a bhios sinn a’ cuimhneachadh air Donnchadh ‘Major’ Moireasdan, an sàr-oide ciùil a dh’fhàg a dhìleab gus an cumadh òigridh Nis a’ dol e. Cluinnidh sinn […]
A two hour program showcasing songs in Gàidhlig with a few instrumental tunes thrown in. One or two short chats with guests from the Gàidhlig World. Listen live on Cambridge105.co.uk […]