A two hour program showcasing songs in Gàidhlig with a few instrumental tunes thrown in. One or two short chats with guests from the Gàidhlig World. Listen live on Cambridge105.co.uk from 2100-2300 on Thursday 22nd Feb, via your smart speaker, via the on demand section of www.cambridge105.co.uk, or after the event at www.mixcloud.com/Martainn.
Faigh Ar Cuairt-Litir
Airson an fhiosrachaidh agus nan naidheachdan as ùire
Seachdain na Gàidhlig
World Gaelic Week
Tha Seachdain na Gàidhlig air a cho-òrdanachadh le Hands Up for Trad, Àireamh Carthannas na h-Alba 035 190.