‘S e cothrom a th’ ann a thachair ri duine eile le ùidh anns a’ Ghàidhlig agus a’ gabhail beagan spòrs. Bidh sinn a’ bruidhinn sa’ Ghàidhlig agus ag innse sgeulachdan, ag aithris bàrdachd, a’ cluich ceòl agus a’ seinn ann an suidheachadh mi-fhoirmeil.
This is a very informal event where we will be speaking in the Gaelic, telling stories and reciting poetry. There will also be music and we will no doubt have a wee sing as well.
Don’t worry if you don’t have much Gaelic yet. It’s an opportunity to meet others with an interest in the language and absorb a bit of Gaelic language and culture. Tea and coffee is available at the bar in addition to alcoholic drinks.
You will all be made very welcome.
Thugainn! Bidh fàilte bhlàth romhaibh.