Dr. Jake King of Ainmean-Àite na h-Alba will be talking about his latest book The A to Z of Whisky Place-Names: Landscape, Language & Invention.
An robh ceist oirbh riamh mu na h-ainmean-àite a nochdas air botail uisge-bheatha? Dè na cànanan às an tàinig na h-ainmean, dè tha iad a’ ciallachadh agus an e ainmean ceart a th’ annta idir? Tha an leabhar seo a’ meòrachadh air gach ainm-àite le ceangal air choreigin ris an uisge-bheatha, an dàrna cuid mar ainm an uisge-bheatha fhèin no an taigh-staile. Bheir an t-ùghdar cunntas fiosraichte air tùs, eachdraidh is leasachadh gach ainm bho shealladh cànanach is eachdraidheil. Anns an òraid seo thèid a’ phrosbaig a chur air ainmean-àite Mhoireibh.
Have you ever wondered about the place-names that appear on Scotch whisky bottles? What language the names come from, what they mean or if they are even real places? This book discusses each place-name that is concerned in some way with Scotch whisky, either as the name of the whisky itself, or as the name of the distillery. For each of these names the author provides an informative discussion of the origin, history and development of the name from a linguistic and historical perspective. For this talk there will be a special focus on the place-names of Moray.