Sùil air: Urras Leasachaidh Sgìre Thaigh na Bruaich – Ainmean-àite Sgìre Chill Fhionain // Case Study: Tighnabruaich District Development Trust – Place Names of Kilfinan

Air Seachdain na Gàidhlig, le taic bho Mhaoin nan Tabhartas Beag (Bòrd na Gàidhlig), bha seisean aig Urras Leasachaidh Sgìre Thaigh na Bruaich air ainmean-àite na sgìre. Thàinig mu 35 duine agus chuir iad seachad beagan ùine a’ coimhead air ainmean-àite, ainmean aibhne is bheanntan agus a’ coimhead air a’ mhapa. Bha mòran seann luchd-còmhnaidh ann a bha comasach air tòrr fiosrachaidh inntinneach a thoirt mu na h-àiteachan, agus dè an t-ainm a bh’ orra, a bharrachd air eachdraidh eile. Bha ùidh cho mòr aig daoine anns na còmhraidhean a bha iad a’ faighinn. Bha gu leòr bèicearachd dachaigh ann agus bhrosnaich seo daoine gus fuireach agus cabadaich.

B’ e madainn a bh’ ann airson tòiseachadh air a’ bhuidheann Ghàidhlig agus Pròiseact Buidheann Dualchais airson rannsachadh agus clàradh ainmean-àite ann an Sgìre Chille Fhionain.

Chuir 18 neach air ainm a chuir a-steach airson bùth-obrach gus barrachd ionnsachadh mu mar a nì thu sgrùdadh air ainmean-àite gus an tèid an rannsachadh a dhèanamh gu cruaidh. Thèid am fiosrachadh fhoillseachadh ann an Gàidhlig agus Beurla an dà chuid mar bhileagan/fiosrachadh, agus mar thaisbeanadh san Ionad Dualchais ann an Taigh na Bruaich.


On Seachdain na Gàidhlig, with support from the Small Grants Fund (Bòrd na Gàidhlig), Tighnabruaich District Development Trust ran an informative session on place names of the area. 35 people came along and spent time looking at place names, river names and hill names and observing them on the map. Several older residents were able to share lots of interesting information on the places, their names, as well as their history. People were hugely interested in the conversations that were had. A good load of home baking encourages people to stay longer to chat.

It was a great day to start a Gaelic group and the heritage group project on researching and recording place names in Kilfinan.

18 people signed up for a later workshop to learn how to examine place names to an excellent level of research. The information will be published in Gaelic and English in booklets and will be displayed as an exhibition in the Heritage Centre in Tighnabruaich.

Sùil air: Còisir Ghàidhlig Chomar nan Allt – Thig is Ionnsaich Òran Gàidhlig // Case Study: Cumbernauld Gaelic Choir – Come and Learn a Gaelic Song

Air Seachdain na Gàidhlig, le taic bho Mhaoin nan Tabhartas Beag (Bòrd na Gàidhlig), bha oidhche de cheòl is ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig aig Còisir Ghàidhlig Chomar nan Allt air Diluain 20 Gearran bho 7.30f gu 10f le 70 an làthair. Chaidh fàilte a chur air a h-uile duine sa Ghàidhlig agus chaidh aca air a bhith còmhradh is cabadaich aig bùird far an robh measgachadh de dh’ìrean fileantais. Chaidh an oidhche fhosgladh le neach-taic na Gàidhlig aig a’ chòisir a mhìnich mar a bhiodh an oidhche. Sheinn Còisir Ghàidhlig Chomar nan Allt trì òrain agus an uairsin ghabh an còmhlan SIAN ris an àrd-ùrlar airson sia òrain a sheinn ann an cò-sheirm. Dh’innis iad mu bhrìgh nan òrain sa Ghàidhlig agus sa Bheurla. Bha cothrom an uairsin teatha fhaighinn is cabadaich airson leth-uair leis a’ chòmhlan agus a’ chòisir.

An uairsin stiùir SIAN na com-pàirtichean ann a bhith ag ionnsachadh òran luaidh le 18 rannan.

Chaidh iad tron Ghàidhlig air fad gu mionaideach agus an t-eadar-theangachadh, agus sheinn iad fhèin agus na com-pàirtichean uile còmhla. Aig a’ cheann thall, bha an tachartas air leth soirbheachail, le measadh bho na bha an làthair a’ bruidhinn air cho math ‘s a chòrd e riutha a bhith a’ cluinntinn is ag ionnsachadh mu òrain, a’ cluinntinn a’ Ghàidhlig ga bruidhinn agus ag èisteachd ri sàr cheòl bhon chòmhlan is bhon chòisir.

Chaidh triùir dhan chòisir às ùr an-dèidh dhaibh a bhith aig an tachartas. Cha robh iad air cluinntinn mun chòisir roimhe ach chòrd e riutha cho neo-fhoirmeil ‘s a bha an oidhche agus shaoil iad gun còrdadh e riutha a bhith ag ionnsachadh sa chòisir.

Fhuair a h-uile duine a bha an làthair lethbhreac den òran luaidh a thug iad dhachaigh leotha. Chaidh clàradh a dhèanamh dhan a h-uile duine a’ seinn agus tha seo ri fhaicinn an seo. Bheir seo cothrom do dhaoine an t-òran a chluinntinn is a sheinn a-rithist.

On Seachdain na Gàidhlig, with support from the Small Grants Fund (Bòrd na Gàidhlig), Cumbernauld Gaelic Choir provided an evening of Gaelic learning and entertainment from on Monday 20th February from 7.30pm until 10pm for 70 people. Participants were greeted and welcomed in Gaelic and were able to chat/mingle at tables using varying levels of Gaelic. The event was opened in Gaelic by the choir’s Gaelic reader who gave an overview of the event. Cumbernauld Gaelic Choir sang 3 Gaelic choral arrangements and then the Gaelic singing group SIAN took over and sang 6 songs in harmony. They spoke in Gaelic and English and provided a thorough background of the songs. There was then a 30 min tea break where participants could chat to choristers and SIAN.

The second part of the evening involved SIAN leading the room in a Gaelic waulking song workshop of 18 verses. They went over pronunciation, translated the Gaelic and then led the room in singing the song. Overall the event was a great success with excellent feedback from participants who were delighted to be able to learn songs and their background, hear Gaelic spoken, take part in a waulking song, and enjoy an evening of great music from SIAN and the choir.

The choir gained 3 new members after the event. None of them had heard of the choir before but the informal nature of the event and learning songs really made them feel that this was something that they could do and enjoy.

Copies of the waulking song were distributed to each participant along with a translation. A video was also taken of the group singing the song and shared on the Cumbernauld Gaelic Facebook page which can be seen here. This will allow members and the choir to continue to sing the song in future.­

Sùil air: Àrd-sgoil Abercorn – Teaghlach is Caraidean // Case Study: Abercorn High School – Family and Friends

Air Seachdain na Gàidhlig, le taic-airgid bho Mhaoin nan Tabhartas Beag (Bòrd na Gàidhlig), chaidh sreath de thachartasan is phròiseactan a chur air dòigh aig Àrd-sgoil Abercorn. Bha na sgoilearan uile a’ cleachdadh na Gàidhlig agus chruthaich iad dulachan-iuchrach a thug iad dhachaigh leotha. Fhuair gach sgoilear cothrom eòlas fhaighinn air cultar is ceòl na Gàidhlig. Chluich iad uile iomain agus chaidh sgioba Iomain na sgoile a chluich an-aghaidh Sgoil Chil Phàdraig.

Choimhead iad BBC Alba agus dh’èist iad ri ceòl Gàidhlig, is rinn iad rannsachadh gu leòr. Rinn iad dannsa cèilidh a-muigh leis an sgoil air fad.

Bha cruinneachadh aca mar sgoil, le Mrs Collie (tidsear), a nighean agus a màthair a’ bruidhinn sa Ghàidhlig, agus leis na sgoilearan a’ teagasg Gàidhlig dha chèile. Chluich Rachel Hair a’ chlàrsach agus thàinig seann sgoilear a chluich phuirt Gàidhlig air a’ phiàna.

Thàinig an seachdain gu crìoch le cruinneachadh de theaghlaichean is charaidean na sgoile, far an robh an t-àireamh a bu mhotha de dhaoine a thàinig gu tachartas san sgoil a-riamh.


During Seachdain na Gàidhlig, with thanks to the Small Grants Fund (Bòrd na Gàidhlig), a series of events and projects celebrating Gaelic was held at Abercorn Secondary School. All pupils spoke some Gaelic and made Gaelic badges and keyrings to take home. All pupils experienced Gaelic language and culture through music and sport. Everyone played shinty and the shinty team went to play Kilpatrick School.

They watched BBC Alba, listened to Gaelic music and researched about Gaelic. To get everyone outside and involved in Seachdain na Gàidhlig, they had a whole school outdoor Orcadian Strip the Willow.

A whole school assembly was held, with Mrs Collie’s (a teacher at Abercorn Secondary) mother and daughter speaking Gaelic, and pupils teaching each other Gaelic. Rachel Hair played clàrsach and a former pupil played Gaelic tunes on the piano.

The week came to an end with a Coming Together of family and friends and had the most successful attendance the school has ever had for a café or event.

Sùil air: Oidhche san Taigh-cèilidh, Taigh Dhonnchaidh // Case Study: An Evening in the Cèilidh House, Taigh Dhonnchaidh

Air Seachdain na Gàidhlig, le taic bho Mhaoin nan Tabhartas Beag (Bòrd na Gàidhlig), bha Oidhche san Taigh-cèilidh aig Taigh Dhonnchaidh ann an Nis, Eilean Leòdhais, leis an Islands Cèilidh Band. Fhuair gach neach fìon is briosgaidean nuair thàinig iad a-steach agus bha oidhche air leth neo-fhoirmeil is spòrsail ann, le deagh cheòl, danns is seinn gu leòr. Bha iad an toiseach an dùil seinneadair is neach-ciùil a bhith aca ach leis mar a dh’obraich cùisean b’ e còmhlan a fhuair iad mu dheireadh a bha a cheart cho soirbheachail.

Tha iad a-nis an dùil Oidhche san Taigh-cèilidh a ruith mar a b’ àbhaist dhaibh. Chòrd e gu mòr ris na bha an làthair agus leis cho beag ‘s a tha Taigh Dhonnchaidh, bha gu leòr ann an 14. Thàinig cuideigin a-steach leis gun robh iad ag ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig agus bha iad airson a bhith ann an àrainneachd Ghàidhlig, agus ‘s iad a bha toilichte gun tàinig iad!


On Seachdain na Gàidhlig, with funding support from the Small Grants Fund (Bòrd na Gàidhlig), Taigh Dhonnchaidh in Ness, Isle of Lewis hosted a cèilidh with the Islands Cèilidh Band with complimentary wine and biscuits for those who came along. The night was relaxed with a chance to chat and enjoy the music, with Gaelic singing and plenty of room to dance. It was intended to be run with a singer and a musician but due to availability it was decided to get a cèilidh band in instead and it worked just as well as the original plan.

They are are looking to restart the taigh-ceilidh as a regular event like they did in the past. Those who came had a great night and enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere. With Taigh Dhonnchaidh being a small space, 14 was a comfortable number. One participant came along because they were learning Gaelic and wanted to be in a Gaelic-speaking environment so they were very pleased they came.

Sùil air: Seinn aig Talla Bhreacais // Case Study: Singing at Breakish Hall

Air Seachdain na Gàidhlig, le taic bho Mhaoin nan Tabhartas Beag (Bòrd na Gàidhlig), chaidh seisean seinn a chumail aig Talla Bhreacais le Deirdre Ghreumach aig an stiùir. Leis gun robh an latha cho brèagha, chaidh a chumail a-muigh, agus bha mu dheichnear inbheach an làthair le faisg air dusan duine-cloinne a’ gabhail pàirt no a’ cluich faisg air làimh. Bha na h-òrain air leth, bha Deirdre uabhasach math air an seisean a stiùireadh agus bha e gu math spòrsail.

Thuirt aon chom-pàirtiche, ‘Ged nach eil mo chuid Gàidhlig aig ìre ro àrd agus gu bheil e uaireannan duilich dhomh a bhith a’ dèanamh a’ chùis air faclan nan òran, chòrd e rium a bhith a’ seinn còmhla ri daoine eile. Bha na h-òrain math agus cha robh iad ro dhuilich do chuid de na daoine a bha an làthair.’

Chòrd a’ chùis ris a h-uile duine a bh’ ann agus tha iad an dòchas seiseanan eile dha leithid a chur air dòigh san àm ri teachd.


On Seachdain na Gàidhlig, supported by the Small Grants Fund (Bòrd na Gàidhlig), a family-friendly Gaelic song session was held at Breakish Hall with Deirdre Graham, organised by Frances Wilkins. It was a beautiful sunny day so it was decided to hold the workshop outside in the carpark to enjoy the weather. There were around 10 adults participating and around 12 children either taking part of being on the periphery. The songs were great, Deirdre was an excellent workshop leader, and it was a fun session.

A participant of the session commented, ‘Although my Gaelic level is low and I sometimes find it hard to catch up with the lyrics, I enjoyed singing with other Gaelic speakers and singers. I liked the choices of the songs, and the lyrics difficulty level were good for most of the people there.’

It was a really good positive experience and there was a lot of positive verbal feedback from participants. People seemed very keen to have more events such as these in the future too.

Sùil air: Invisible Cities – Gàidhlig sa Bhaile Mhòr // Case Study: Invisible Cities – Gaelic in the City

Air Seachdain na Gàidhlig, le taic bho Mhaoin nan Tabhartas Beag (Bòrd na Gàidhlig), chuir Invisible Cities dà chuairt choiseachd leis an t-ainm ’Gàidhlig sa Bhaile Mhòr’ air dòigh ann an Dùn Èideann do luchd-turais is dhaoine ionadail.
Fhuair an sgioba trèanadh Gàidhlig bho Ann aig Comhairle Dhùn Èideann. Chuir iad fàilte air 25 neach thairis air dà latha. Air na cuairtean bhruidhinn iad air breith is fàs a’ chànain agus far am faicear i fhathast sa bhaile. Bha Invisible Cities gu math toilichte leis na thàinig leis gun robh e furasta dha na treòraichean, agus fhuair iad deagh mheasadh bho na bha an làthair. San àm ri teachd cuiridh iad dà dhiofar chuairt air dòigh: fear a’ coimhead air co-theacsa a’ chànain agus mar a bhios i a’ dol le cànanan eile an Alba, agus fear a bhios nas freagarraich do dhaoine a tha nas misneachail a’ bruidhinn sa Ghàidhlig.
Tha iad cuideachd air tachartasan Gàidhlig a chur air dòigh còmhla ri taigh-òsta: lorg-ulaidh far an robh e na amas faclan Gàidhlig a lorg ann an àiteachan poblach. Fhuair duine sam bith a lorg na faclan air fad siùcairean, teatha agus mapa de dh’Alba. Chuidich seo le bhith a’ togail aire mun Ghàidhlig agus mu chuairtean a bha ri thighinn.

Mu dheireadh chruthaich iad pasgain Gàidhlig do chloinn le leabhar, peansailean agus seata gheamaichean Bing. Tha iad air tòiseachadh gan sgaoileadh gu carthannasan agus buidhnean a bhios a’ toirt taic do chloinn.

Bidh a’ bhuaidh as motha aig a’ phròiseact air clann a gheibh na pasgain Gàidhlig (còrr is 100). Bhiodh na h-aoighean air gach cuairt nas mothachail air ceanglaichean na Gàidhlig ris a’ bhaile mhòr.

Chaidh seisean trèanaidh sa Ghàidhlig a chumail le Ann bho Chomhairle Dhùn Èideann do dhaoine a bha uair gun dachaigh (12 uile-gu-lèir) sa Mhàrt.


On Seachdain na Gàidhlig, with help from the Small Grants Fund made possible by Bòrd na Gàidhlig, Edinburgh-based group Invisible Cities delivered two walking tours called “Gaelic in the City” to tourists, locals and residents.

The team of guides received training in Gaelic by Ann at the City of Edinburgh Council. They welcomed a total of 25 guests over the two days. The tours covered the birth and evolution of the language and some of the remaining elements of it in the city of Edinburgh. Invisible Cities were very happy with the number of guests on the tours as they remained manageable for the guides and feedback has been very positive overall. In the future they will look at organising two separate tours: one looking at the context of the language and how it fits with other languages in Scotland and one for more confident speakers for exploring more of the language itself.

They have also organised Gaelic activities in one of the hotels they partner with: a treasure hunt where the aim was to find Gaelic words hidden in communal spaces. Anyone finding all words won goodies (sweets, tea and a hand drawn map of Scotland). This helped raise awareness of Gaelic week as well as tours coming up.

Finally they produced and distributed Gaelic activity kits for kids that include an activity book, pencils and a Bing game set. They have started distributing them to charities and organisations working with children who are having a hard time right now (children being supported or currently staying in temporary accommodation).

The biggest impact of the project will be with all children receiving the Gaelic kits who will be able to discover the language and have fun while exploring different words (100 kits).

Guests attending the tours will have also been made aware of the language and its connections to the city.

Another training session “Introduction to Gaelic” for a new group of people who have experienced homelessness (12 people in total) was delivered by Ann from the City of Edinburgh Council in March.

Sùil air: Cruinneachadh Gàidhlig an Luirg // Case Study: Lairg Gaelic Gathering

Le taic bho Mhaoin nan Tabhartas Beag, air a thabhann le Bòrd na Gàidhlig, chuir Ionad Ionnsachaidh Sgìre an Luirg cruinneachadh Gàidhlig air dòigh air 26 Gearran. B’ e cèilidh traidiseanta a bh’ ann le sgeulachdan, ceòl, òran is dannsa bho luchd-ciùil ionadail is buidhnean coimhearsnachd. Bha seisean ealain ann cuideachd gus am biodh Gàidhlig faicsinneach aig an tachartas agus chaidh ceisteachan a dhèanamh gus cleachdadh is ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig a bhrosnachadh aig an tachartas.

Bha e na amas dhaibh luchd-labhairt, luchd-ionnsachaidh is daoine aig nach robh Gàidhlig idir a thoirt còmhla gus fèill a dhèanamh air cànan is cultar na Gàidhlig. Thug iad a-steach buidhnean a bhios a’ cur ri ìomhaigh na Gàidhlig san sgìre: Còisir Ghàidhlig an Luirg, com-pàirtichean Fèis Chataibh, clann a bhios a’ dol tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig am Baile Dhubhthaich bho air feadh Chataibh is Shiorrachd Rois, cuid bho chomataidh Sutherland Sessions, luchd-ionnsachaidh a bhios a’ frithealadh chlasaichean air-loidhne tro Ionad Ionnsachaidh Sgìre an Luirg, agus daoine bho air feadh Chataibh is Shiorrachd Rois.

Bha 70 an làthair uile-gu-lèir – 38 inbheach is 32 pàiste.

Bhrosnaich iad na bha ann gus Gàidhlig ionnsachadh fad an fheasgair, fiù le bhith ag òrdachadh tì is cofaidh.

Bha iad an toiseach an dòchas an tachartas a chumail air an oidhche ach cha d’ fhuair iad àite freagarrach ach bha iad uabhasach soirbheachail leis an tachartas air feasgar na Sàbaid. Fhuair iad grèim air luchd-ciùil air leth tàlantach bhon sgìre fhèin. Bha an tachartas air leth math airson daoine a thoirt còmhla a-rithist an-dèidh a bhith sgapte bho chèile ri linn Covid-19, agus chuir e taic ri deagh shlàinte-inntinn is shunnd.

Bha daoine uabhasach toilichte a bhith ann agus chaidh a ràdh gum biodh iad airson tachartasan mar seo fhaicinn san sgìre a-rithist, gu h-àraidh leis nach eil foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig ri fhaighinn nas fhaisge na Baile Dhubhthaich. Bha buidhnean coimhearsnachd an dùil obrachadh còmhla gus pròiseactan dha leithid a chumail a’ dol.


With support from the Small Grants Fund, made possible by Bòrd na Gàidhlig, Lairg Gaelic Gathering took place on the afternoon of Sunday 26th February organised by the Lairg & District Learning Centre. The event took form of a traditional cèilidh featuring storytelling, music, song and dance from local artists and community groups. It also included a creative art activity to increase the visibility of Gaelic at the event and ran a quiz to increase the use and learning of Gaelic at the event.

The aim was to bring people (Gaelic speakers, learners and non-Gaelic speakers) together in one place to celebrate Gaelic language and culture. They included local groups who promote the use of Gaelic and traditional music – attendees (and performers) at the event included Lairg Gaelic Choir, Fèis Chataibh participants, GME pupils from Sutherland and Ross-shire who attend GME in Tain, some of the Sutherland Sessions committee, Gaelic learners who attend classes via LDLC’s online learning opportunities and people from across Sutherland and Ross-shire.

There were 70 people in attendance. (38 adults and 32 children).

Attendees were encouraged to use Gaelic as much as possible, including when asking for tea/coffee/refreshments.

It was originally hoped to have the event on an evening but the venue was not available so they went for a Sunday afternoon which turned out to be a great success. They we were able to source a talented line up from the local area. This event was also a great way to bring people back together again after lots of time apart throughout the pandemic supporting mental health and well-being.

Feedback from the afternoon was hugely positive, with emphasis being put on the importance of Gaelic events in the area where there is no Gaelic Medium Education provision closer than Tain. Community groups involved were keen to carry on with project and events like this.

Sùil air: LOOM – Sin Agad E! // Case Study: LOOM – Sin Agad E!

Le taic bho Mhaoin nan Tabhartas Beag (Bòrd na Gàidhlig, chleachd stiùidio LOOM na sgilean grafaigeach aca gus Gàidhlig a thoirt gu sràidean Steòrnabhaigh. Nochd 10 facal is abairt air bùird air feadh a’ bhaile is chruthaich iad mapa didseatach, a’ piobrachadh dhaoine gus a h-uile bòrd a lorg. Mar stiùidio, bha iad airson dòigh a chruthachadh air faclan is abairtean a roinn le coimhearsnachd an eilein tro dhealbhachadh a bheireadh cothrom còmhraidh do dhaoine.
Bha e na mhiann dhaibh nòs ùr a thoirt do dh’aithne na Gàidhlig sa bhaile le bhith a’ cleachdadh làraich aithnichte – aig a’ chidhe, am meadhan a’ bhaile agus sa Ghearradh Chruaidh. Bha iad airson put beag a thoirt do luchd-ionnsachaidh gus facal no dhà ionnsachadh mar thoiseach-tòiseachaidh.
Chuir an sgioba dealbhan de na bùird anns na làraich aca air-loidhne agus leis a’ mhapa didseatach ga chur air na meadhanan sòisealta chaidh aig daoine air an lorg. Bha duilleag ri luchdadh a-nuas far am b’ urrainn do dhaoine de gach aois dath a chur ris.
Chaidh ciall gach facal is abairt a chur air na meadhanan sòisealta anns na seachdainean a thàinig an-dèidh Seachdain na Gàidhlig gus dìleab a thoirt dhan phròiseact. Bha cothrom aig gach buidheann is gnothachas aig an robh fear de na bùird a chumail dhaibh fhèin às a dhèidh. O chionn ghreiseag, leis gun robh e cho mòr-chòrdte, bha fear de na h-abairtean (’S Fheàrr Gàidhlig Bhriste na Gàidhlig sa Chiste) ri fhaotainn mar phostair fa-leth ri cheannach.
Chì sibh far an robh gach bòrd ri fhaicinn an seo!


LOOM, a graphic design studio based in the Isle of Lewis, used their skills as a tool to embed Gaelic language into the streets of Stornoway for the week of Seachdain na Gàidhlig with a little help from the Small Grants Fund, made possible by Bòrd na Gàidhlig. Physical, visually stimulating word-boards popped up in iconic locations around Stornoway, encouraging locals and visitors to follow the ‘phrase-hunt’ and collect all 10 Gaelic words/phrases on a digital map. As a studio, they wanted to create a way of sharing place-based Gaelic phrases and words with the island community, with the outcome of provoking and stimulating conversation and curiosity through design.

The aim was to bring a brand new style and face to Gaelic’s visual identity, against the backdrop of locations like the harbour, the town square and the castle grounds. This was to encourage learners to make that first push towards learning and engaging with the language, even by integrating a few simple phrases into their everyday vocabulary.

The installation and positions of these interactive graphics were photographed and shared online by the team. The digital phrase-hunt was led online through socials and their website allowed people to download a colouring-in sheet which was a mindfulness activity for all ages.

The meanings of the 10 phrases were shared over the next few weeks on social media which allow the legacy of this project to last for longer than just Seachdain na Gàidhlig itself. The local businesses/orgs that were involved had the option to keep a hold of the word boards that they generously displayed as a piece of wall art for their offices. Since Seachdain na Gàidhlig, one of the phrases (’S Fheàrr Gàidhlig Bhriste na Gàidhlig sa Chiste) was made into a print to be sold due to its popularity.

Here is a map of where the project took place with all locations of the boards marked.

Sùil air: CHARTS Earra-Ghàidheal & na h-Eileanan // Case Study: CHARTS Argyll & the Isles

Air Seachdain na Gàidhlig 2023, le taic-airgid bho Mhaoin nan Tabhartas Beag (Bòrd na Gàidhlig), chùm CHARTS (Culture, Heritage & Arts Assembly) Earra-Ghàidheal & na h-Eileanan latha de dh’òraidean air cànanan Earra-Ghàidheil. Thàinig daoine còmhla airson seisean neo-fhoirmeil fad ceithir uairean a thìde, air a lìbhrigeadh le triùir aig an robh eòlas air Gàidhlig, Albais, Beurla, cainnt an Torragair Ghallda, Sèirbis, Bulgarais, Vlach agus cainntean Slàbhais eile. Thòisich an latha le taisbeanadh air dualchainnt Ghàidhlig Earra-Ghàidheil, a chaidh a thoirt seachad le Oifigear Cultar na Gàidhlig aig CHARTS, Àdhamh Ó Broin, gu dà-chànanach. Thug seo sùil air fo-dhualchainntean gu tuath, deas is meadhan Earra-Ghàidheil, a’ coimhead gu mionaideach air còmhradh Chinn Tìre. Bhruidhinn Kathy Townsley McGuigan an uairsin fad trì chairteal na h-uaireach air cainnt, gnàthasan-cainnt is briathrachas an Torragair Ghallda. Fhuair na bha an làthair biadh an uairsin agus aig deireadh an latha lìbhrig Seumas MacDhòmhnaill Reid òraid air na ceanglaichean eadar Gàidhlig & cànanan Albannach eile agus cànanan is cultaran Bàlcanach.

Bha an latha glè shoirbheachail ged nach robh uimhir san èisteachd na bhithear an dùil ris air sgàth na deagh shìde – nochd 10 aig a’ cheann thall seach 20.

Bha na h-òraidichean uile mìorbhaileach agus dh’ionnsaich na bha an làthair an t-uabhas fad an latha, gu h-àraidh mu chainnt an Torragair Ghallda, nach robh air mòran aire fhaighinn roimhe, agus cànanan Bàlcanach. Chaidh iarraidh air an luchd-èisteachd pàirt a ghabhail agus chaidh tòrr còmhradh a dhèanamh às dèidh làimh.

Thug Kathy McGuigan leatha taisbeanadh fiosaigeach de chultar an Torragair, a bha air leth feumail dhan luchd-èisteachd a b’ urrainn làmh a chur orra agus a leughadh ro na h-òraidean agus aig àm bìdh.

Bha iomadach neach-labhairt na Gàidhlig an làthair agus mar sin chaidh Gàidhlig a bruidhinn agus a cluinntinn fad an latha. Bha an fheadhainn aig nach robh Gàidhlig uabhasach taingeil a cluinntinn agus bha iad air leth taiceil dhan chànan agus a h-àite an Earra-Ghàidheal.


On Seachdain na Gàidhlig 2023, with funding from the Small Grants Fund (Bòrd na Gàidhlig), CHARTS (Culture, Heritage & Arts Assembly) Argyll & the Isles held an interesting day with a series of talks on the region’s languages. The project consisted of an informal 4-hour gathering of people interested in the languages of Argyll with three speakers and several languages represented including Gaelic, Scots, English, Traveller Cant, Serbian, Bulgarian, Vlach and other Slavic tongues. The day began with an exposé on Argyll Gaelic dialect by CHARTS’ Gaelic Culture Officer Àdhamh Ó Broin, delivered partly in Gaelic and a partly in English, detailing the sub-dialects of North, Central and South Argyll, focussing on the speech of Kintyre. This talk was followed by a 45-min sharing of Traveller Cant idioms and vocabulary by Traveller tradition-bearer Kathy Townsley McGuigan. A lunch was provided for attendees, speakers and museum staff followed by an hour’s lecture by James MacDonald Reid on the connections and similarities between Gaelic – and broadly Scottish – and Balkan languages and culture.

The project went very well indeed and would have been perfect were it not for the fine weather which brought our numbers down from around 20 to only 10 in attendance.
The speakers were absolutely terrific and there was a sense all day that those who attended were in a constant state of learning, especially when it came to Traveller Cant – much of which had never before been shared in public – and Balkan languages. There was an emphasis on listener participation and much interesting conversation flowed both during and after the talks that were given.
Kathy McGuigan also brought along a physical display of Traveller culture, meaning that there was a tangible expression available for attendees to examine, read and enjoy before the talks and during the lunch break.
There were several Gaelic speakers in attendance, meaning that the language was spoken and heard throughout the day. Those who were not speakers were incredibly grateful to hear Gaelic spoken and very supportive of the language and its place in Argyll.


Sùil air: Siorcas Coimhearsnachd Phàislig // Case Study: Community Circus Paisley

Coimhead bhideo an seo!

Chùm Siorcas Coimhearsnachd Phàislig seachdain de threanadh airson luchd-obrach an siorcais agus do dhaoine eile gus an ionnsaicheadh iad briathrachas sa Ghàidhlig, agus bha bùth-obrach aca aig deireadh na seachdain far am biodh cothrom aig duine sam bith feuchainn air sgilean ùr ionnsachadh tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig.

Chaidh am bùth-òbrach mòran nas fheàrr na bha iad an dùil. Bha iad an dùil gum biodh 25 an làthair, ach thàinig daoine a bharrachd cuideachd, agus bha timcheall air 35 ann, ‘s mar sin, tha fios aca a-nis gu bheil uidh mhòr ann an tachartasan dhen sheòrsa. A rèir coltais, bha an seisean a’ còrdadh ri daoine gu mòr agus bha iad gu math toilichte gu robh rudeigin gu math fisigeach agus spòrsail ri fhaighinn air taobh a-muigh na sgoile.

Thuirt a h-uile duine gu robh an trèanadh feumail dhaibh agus gu bheil iad gam brosnachadh airson beagan Gàidhlig a chleachdadh nas trice. Airson an luchd-òbrach aig a bheil Gàidhlig (no Gàidhlig na h-Èìrinn), bha an seachdain air fad na brosnachadh gu mòr dhaibh a bhith a’ cleachdadh an cuid Gàidhlig nas trice agus bha e gu math spòrsail bruidhinn ri chèile.

Chaidh duine no dhithis bho na clasichean Beurla dhan Seisean Siorcais air Disathairne gus facal no dha ionnsachadh cuideachd agus bha sin uabhasach math fhaicinn.

Bha postairean Gàidhlig aca air na ballachan, agus bidh seo a’ leantail san àm ri teachd. Bha ùidh mhòr aig a’ chlann sna clasaichean Beurla anns na postairean seo, agus bha iad math airson a bhith a‘ togail mhothachas air a’ Ghàidhlig.

Cuideachd, chleachd iad sticearan Gàidhlig agus geammanan Gàidhlig agus bha sin a còrdadh gu mòr ris a’ chloinn, gu sònraichte na feadhainn beaga agus am pàrantan.

They used Gaelic stickers and Gaelic games which was greatly enjoyed by the children, particularly the little ones and their parents.

Seo cuid den mheasadh bho chom-pàirtichean:

“Had a lot of fun learning new Gaelic words!”

“Excellent afternoon, fantastic facility and staff, great opportunity to try something different”

“My child had a fantastic day today so much fun and great to see all the children enjoying themselves”

“Sgoinneil, glè spòrsail!”

“Circus training in Gaelic is an ideal way to encourage language use and receptive skills. It has the added benefit of being a health promoting and community building activity”


Watch a video here!

Community Circus Paisley held training sessions for the circus staff to learn Gaelic terminology for their work and they also held a workshop for people to try out new circus skills through the medium of Gaelic.

The workshop went much better than expected, with 35 turning up rather than the expected 25, proving that the demand for such an activity was there. The workshop was well enjoyed by all in attendance, who were delighted to see something physical and fun happening outwith school hours.

All who attended the training said it was of great benefit of them and encouraged them to speak Gaelic more often. For Gaelic and Gaeilge-speaking staff, the week was a huge motivator for them to use Gaelic and to enjoy speaking to each other.

A few of those who attended classes went to the circus workshop to learn a word or two which was very encouraging.

They had Gaelic posters on the wall and this will continue in future. The children in the English classes enjoyed these posters and they did well to promote the visibility of Gaelic.

They used Gaelic stickers and Gaelic games which was greatly enjoyed by the children, particularly the little ones and their parents.

Here is some of the feedback from participants:

“Had a lot of fun learning new Gaelic words!”

“Excellent afternoon, fantastic facility and staff, great opportunity to try something different”

“My child had a fantastic day today so much fun and great to see all the children enjoying themselves”

“Sgoinneil, glè spòrsail!”

“Circus training in Gaelic is an ideal way to encourage language use and receptive skills. It has the added benefit of being a health promoting and community building activity”