Sùil air: Seinn aig Talla Bhreacais // Case Study: Singing at Breakish Hall

Air Seachdain na Gàidhlig, le taic bho Mhaoin nan Tabhartas Beag (Bòrd na Gàidhlig), chaidh seisean seinn a chumail aig Talla Bhreacais le Deirdre Ghreumach aig an stiùir. Leis gun robh an latha cho brèagha, chaidh a chumail a-muigh, agus bha mu dheichnear inbheach an làthair le faisg air dusan duine-cloinne a’ gabhail pàirt no a’ cluich faisg air làimh. Bha na h-òrain air leth, bha Deirdre uabhasach math air an seisean a stiùireadh agus bha e gu math spòrsail.

Thuirt aon chom-pàirtiche, ‘Ged nach eil mo chuid Gàidhlig aig ìre ro àrd agus gu bheil e uaireannan duilich dhomh a bhith a’ dèanamh a’ chùis air faclan nan òran, chòrd e rium a bhith a’ seinn còmhla ri daoine eile. Bha na h-òrain math agus cha robh iad ro dhuilich do chuid de na daoine a bha an làthair.’

Chòrd a’ chùis ris a h-uile duine a bh’ ann agus tha iad an dòchas seiseanan eile dha leithid a chur air dòigh san àm ri teachd.


On Seachdain na Gàidhlig, supported by the Small Grants Fund (Bòrd na Gàidhlig), a family-friendly Gaelic song session was held at Breakish Hall with Deirdre Graham, organised by Frances Wilkins. It was a beautiful sunny day so it was decided to hold the workshop outside in the carpark to enjoy the weather. There were around 10 adults participating and around 12 children either taking part of being on the periphery. The songs were great, Deirdre was an excellent workshop leader, and it was a fun session.

A participant of the session commented, ‘Although my Gaelic level is low and I sometimes find it hard to catch up with the lyrics, I enjoyed singing with other Gaelic speakers and singers. I liked the choices of the songs, and the lyrics difficulty level were good for most of the people there.’

It was a really good positive experience and there was a lot of positive verbal feedback from participants. People seemed very keen to have more events such as these in the future too.

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