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Bùth-obrach Iris Ghàidhlig | Gaelic Zine Workshop

23 An Gearran, 2023 @ 10:00 m - 12:30 f

- $1

Thig còmhla rinn airson bùth-obrach cruthachaidh-iris a bhios cruthachail is neo-fhoirmeil. Ionnsaich mu na tasglannan Gàidhlig fhad ’s a tha thu a’ dèanamh Zinean air cuspair nan comharrachaidhean is cèilidhean. Chan eil eòlas riatanach, stuthan ri làimh, is ’s urrainn dha luchd-frithealaidh an Zine aca a thoirt leotha dhachaigh.

Join us for a creative and relaxed Zine-making workshop. Learn about our Gaelic collections whilst making Zines on the theme of festivities, celebrations, meetings, and gatherings. No experience necessary, all materials provided, and attendees can take home their very own Zine. Suitable for Gaelic learners and beginners.

This event has no set price and we encourage visitors to pay what they can afford.

Gàidhlig agus Beurla | Gaelic and English