Seachdain na Gàidhlig 2023

Seachdain na Gàidhlig aims to promote Gaelic for all, through official events and community initiatives, akin to Seachdain na Gaeilge in Ireland and Mìos nan Gàidheal in Nova Scotia. Taking place from 20th – 26th February 2023, it will provide the opportunity for both Gaelic speakers and learners to get involved and celebrate the language at home and internationally. A new funding pot has today been announced for the 2023 event, which will allow people to apply for up to £500 to run events and activities in their communities to celebrate Gaelic. Backed by Bòrd na Gàidhlig, applications are open now at

James Graham, Chief Executive Officer of An Comunn Gàidhealach, said: “Young Gaelic speakers are very important in shaping the future of our community, and these events today highlight their incredible skills and potential. We’re particularly excited for the first ever Struth event and to give youngsters an opportunity to engage in everyday chat with some of the best-known Gaelic speakers in Scotland. “The Mòd is a unique platform for the promotion of Gaelic language and culture and it’s fantastic to start the week with the official launch of World Gaelic Week 2023. It’s always exciting to see the new, innovative ways our community comes together to promote the language for all.” Joy Dunlop, Director Seachdain na Gàidhlig, said: “We’re delighted to announce the second ever Seachdain Na Gàidhlig with this year’s theme being Coming Together, inspired by the post-pandemic recovery. “The first official Gaelic language week ever held in Scotland took place last year. It was a great success and we can’t wait to build on this in 2023. It’s a fantastic opportunity for people to celebrate and use Gaelic in their daily lives and recognise the language nationally and internationally. “We would encourage any group, big or small, interested in organising an event as part of Seachdain Na Gàidhlig to apply for one of our small grants.” The Royal National Mòd is supported by EventScotland, Bòrd na Gàidhlig, Perth & Kinross Council, The Scottish Government, Caledonian MacBrayne and SQA.

Cothrom-Obrach: Administration & Social Media Assistant

Thanks to support from Bòrd na Gàidhlig we have a great opportunity to work with us at Seachdain na Gàidhlig. If you would like to apply read the document below.

SnaG Administration & Social Media Assistant 2022-3

Maoin nan Tabhartas Beag

Tha Maoin nan Tabhartas Beag againn am bliadhna gus taic suas ri £500 a thoirt seachdain gus tachartas a ruith / taic a chur ri tachartas san sgìre agaibh. Air a mhaoineachadh le Bòrd na Gàidhlig.

Ag iarraidh tuilleadh fiosrachaidh? Luchdaich a-nuas an duilleag stùiridh an seo.


Sanas obrach!

Dòchas gu bheil sibh uile gu dòigheil. Bidh bòrd aig Seachdain na Gàidhlig aig Taisbeanadh a’ Mhòid, an ‘Trade Fair’ a ruitheas fad na seachdain. Tha sinn a’ lorg cudeigin (no sgioba) a bhios ann dhuinn tron t-seachdain – a bheir fiosrachadh seachad mu Sheachdain na Gàidhlig 2023 don phoball agus a chumas sùil air a’ bhòrd. (Bheir sinn dhuibh a h-uile pìos fiosrachaiddh a dh’fheumas tu)

’S e obair fad latha a bhios ann (9m – 5/6f) agus ’s ann tro sheachdain a’ Mhòid (an-ath-sheachain) a bhios i. Pàighidh sinn turasdal ceart(an ‘living wage rate’) agus cosgaisean siubhail. Nam biodh ùidh idir agaibh anns an obair seo fad na seachdaine (no fiù ’s, air cuid de na làithean) nach leig sibh fios thugam cho luath ’s a ghabhas. Air an duilleig seo, no air post-d

It’s here! Seachdain na Gàidhlig 2022 has started 🌎

We are hugely excited to announce the start of the inaugural, Seachdain na Gàidhlig. Our team have been working hard in the last few weeks to encourage organisations, businesses and individuals to take part in the first ever official country-wide Gaelic language week. If you head over to our events calendar, you’ll find over 100 public events listed – how are you going to take part? No matter what level your Gaelic is at, there are different events all across Scotland for you to participate in. And for teachers, pupils and younger learners, don’t miss our activities and resources available here.

You can find out more through our official press release here: Gàidhlig / English. And don’t forget to share how you’re celebrating Seachdain na Gàidhlig online using the hashtags #SeachdainNaGàidhlig #Gàidhlig

Resources for Schools

In partnership with Twinkl, we have been busy working on an extensive range of resources for teachers and pupils. Seachdain na Gàidhlig is open to everyone, no matter what level your Gaelic is at. For those who have little experience of the language, and in English medium education, we have packs available for both primary and secondary schools. You can watch videos with our director, Joy Dunlop, where you can find out more about the language, interesting facts and even hear some traditional Gaelic music. For those in Gaelic medium education or with more experience of the language, we have both primary and secondary content to engage pupils of all ages.

You can find out more through our schools page and find all planners and linked resources via Twinkl here.

Why not share any photos, videos or recordings with us via social media? We’d love to see how you’re celebrating the first ever Seachdain na Gàidhlig. Use the hashtags #SeachdainNaGàidhlig #Gàidhlig – we can’t wait to see what you’ve been up to.

How will you take part?

With over 100 events listed on our events calendar, the first ever Seachdain na Gàidhlig is off to a huge start! Events are confirmed to take place across the world, including in the UK, Germany, Australia, Canada and the US, all delivering a flavour of the breadth of Gaelic activity across the globe. There are events listed for everybody, no matter what level your Gaelic is at. If you’re interested in taking your first steps with the language, why not try one of the many conversation classes, either online or in-person? These are friendly and fun groups that allow you to hear plenty of the language being used and learn some phrases. For those with some experience of Gaelic, there are a whole range of events and opportunities to use it.

You can find out more through our events page – don’t forget to share how you’re celebrating online using the hashtags #SeachdainNaGàidhlig #Gàidhlig.

Getting started… learn your first Gaelic phrase!

If you’re new to Gaelic, na gabh dragh (don’t worry) – there are many resources available to learn your first words and phrases. Hands Up for Trad have a brilliant resource with some really easy-to-learn phrases as part of the Say A Gaelic Phrase Day. Here are a few to get you started:

Discover more via Hands Up For Trad here. Why not share your own Gaelic word or phrase on social media for Seachdain na Gàidhlig using the hashtags #SeachdainNaGàidhlig #Gàidhlig.

Meet the Seachdain na Gàidhlig team

Ahead of the first ever Seachdain na Gàidhlig, here’s a little more about each of our team members:

Joy Dunlop – Director

’S mise Joy Dunlop agus ’s e Stiùiriche Seachdain na Gàidhlig a th’ annam. ’S ann às a’ Choingheal ann an Earraghàidheal a tha mi bho thùs ach tha mi a-nis a’ fuireach ann an Glaschu. ’S e craoladair a th’ annam agus bidh mi a’ lìbhrigeadh na h-aimsire ann an Gàidhlig agus Beurla air BBC Scotland agus BBC ALBA. Tha mi cuideachd nam phreasantair SpeakGaelic, goireas ùr ioma-mheadhanach gus Gàidhlig ionnsachadh agus a chleachdadh. Dh’ionnsaich mi fhìn Gàidhlig agus mar sin, ’s e fìor urram a bhith an sàs ann.

’S e seinneadair agus dannsair a th’ annam cuideachd agus tha mi air mo bheò-ghlacadh le òrain Ghàidhlig, gu h-àraidh feadhainn às an sgìre agam fhìn. ’S fìor thoil leam còisirean agus tha mi nam bhall de Atomaig Piseag agus Ceòlraidh Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu. Bidh mi cuideachd a’ stiùireadh Còisir Ceann an Tuirc agus Còisir Alba, a riochdaich Alba air Eurovision – abair deagh chothrom a bha sin dhomh!

Saoilidh mi gur e iomairt air leth cudromach a th’ ann an Seachdain na Gàidhlig leis gun toir e cothrom do dhaoine sealbh a ghabhail air a’ chànan ann an dòigh a fhreagras orra fhèin. Tha rudeigin ann dhan a h-uile duine; feadhainn aig an robh I bhon ghlùin, luchd-ionnsachaidh agus daoine aig nach eil an cànan fhathast. Tha mi a’ dèanamh fiughair mhòr ris an t-seachdain agus tha mi an dòchas gu bheil sibhse cuideachd.

Murdo MacSween – Social Media

Murchadh MacSuain. Niseach, ann a Glaschu. Bha mi ag obair sna meadhanan aig a’ BhBC agus an uairsin MG ALBA ach thòisich mi an companaidh agam fhìn (Astar Media) an-uiridh agus tha mi trang a’ dèanamh rudan tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig. Tha mi smaoineachadh gu bheil mi èibhinn, ach chan eil mi.

I’m Murdo MacSween, from Ness in the Isle of Lewis but based in Glasgow. I worked for years at the BBC and then at MG ALBA but last year I started my own company (Astar Media), still working in Gaelic. I think I’m funny, but I know I amn’t.

Grant McFarlane – Administrator

My name is Grant McFarlane – I’m the Administrator for Seachdain na Gàidhlig. I have been learning Gaelic with Sabhal Mòr Ostaig for three years (distance learning). I am really happy to be working with team SnaG! I am a musician and arts practitioner from Paisley.

I studied traditional music at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland under the tutorage of Ian Muir & John Somerville and went on to compete in the BBC Young Traditional Musician competition as a finalist in 2013 & 2017. I have performed in a number of bands over the years and I’ve been very lucky to travel internationally, including performances in Australia, India and the USA.

I have my own ceilidh band, Scotia Ceilidh Band, who perform regularly at events across the UK. In 2014, I founded Fèis Phàislig – an arts organisation that provides opportunities in traditional music and Gaelic culture for young people across Renfrewshire!

Chris Hunt – PR & Marketing

My name is Chris and I do the PR, ensuring our team, partners and press all know what we and everyone involved wants to shout about. I’ve been working freelance for Hands Up for Trad since 2018 across their cultural programme, and just love working with such talented people in music and language for this beautiful country, and I respect and wholly support protecting, growing and nurturing our culture.

I am a huge Sassenach fan of all things Scottish, and work in development for both contemporary and historic Scotland’s creatives industries. I come from a family who danced, played instruments and sang for work and our suppers. Having family here in Fife, where I live now, I first visited Edinburgh as a child. I started work in the culture and textiles sectors from my teens onwards and permanently moved from London to Glasgow in 2003 whilst establishing my own business Genuine Scotland, working in promotion and events. I also established Scotland ReDesign in 2005, a social enterprise for fashion and design workers and I married my husband in 2016, relocating to Dundee & Tayside in 2018.

You can stay up-to-date with all things Seachdain na Gàidhlig across all social media channels. Join us today and don’t forget to use the hashtags #SeachdainNaGàidhlig #Gàidhlig.

Feeling Social?

Seachdain na Gàidhlig are busy promoting Gaelic, events and more across all social media channels. Follow, like, subscribe across the channels below to stay up-to-date on opportunities and events taking place throughout the first ever national Gaelic week this March.




TikTok: Seachdain na Gàidhlig


And if you’re sharing any of your own events, videos or posts around Seachdain na Gàidhlig, don’t forget to use the hashtags #SeachdainNaGàidhlig #Gàidhlig.