Thig còmhla ri sgeulaiche is sgrìobhadair Màrtainn Mac an t-Saoir airson oidhche de sgeulachdan dà-chànanach a bhios gan gabhadh sa Ghàidhlig is sa Bheurla. Oidhche cluba sgeulachdan mìosail Dhùn Èideann, leis an làr (mar as àbhaist) fosgailte far am faod duine sam bith sgeul, òran no dàn a chluich.
Join storyteller and writer Martin MacIntyre for an evening of bilingual stories and shared participation in Gaelic and English. Edinburgh’s monthly storytelling club night, with the usual open-floor section for anyone to share a story, song or poem.
This event is free and no registration is required. For more info, email
Gàidhlig agus Beurla | Gaelic and English