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Fuaran – Buth-obrach fàilteachaidh

25 An Gearran, 2023 @ 10:00 m - 4:00 f

Tha Fèisean nan Gàidheal a’ sìreadh an ath bhuidheann de sheinneadairean Gàidhlig eadar 16-25 son am pròiseact dualchais, Fuaran.

Chaidh Fuaran a steidheachadh airson òigridh a bhrosnachadh a bhith a’ cruinneachadh agus a’ rannsachadh òrain Ghàidhlig as na sgìrean aca fhèin, no sgìrean a tha sònraichte dhaibh a bharrachd air na tasglainn prìseil a th’ againn san latha an-diugh, mus bi cothrom aca fhèin an clàradh as ùr an uairsin. Gu ruige seo tha còrr is 70 neach òga air a bhith an sàs sa phròiseact le 50 òrain air ùr chlàradh mar phàirt de goireas luachmhor air-loidhne.

Gheibh com-pàirtichean soirbheachail an cothrom sreath de bhùithtean-obrach a dhèanamh le eòlaichean airson fiosrachadh is sgilean ùra a thogail a bhios feumail dhaibh airson òrain a rannsachadh a bharrachd air taic le bhith dhan ionnsachadh. Bidh cothrom aca an uairsin a thighinn cruinn còmhla aig deireadh a’ phròiseict airson clàradh a dhèanamh air na h-òrain a tha iad air cruinneachadh.

Fèisean nan Gàidheal are delighted to announce that they are accepting application for the next group of young Gaelic singers aged between 16-25 who want to be part of the Fuaran Project.

Fuaran was established in order to encourage the next generation of Gaelic singers to be researching songs of their own communities, areas they had connections with or even through the wonderful archives available to us before they would then have the opportunity to record these songs themselves. To date over 70 young people have taken part in Fuaran with over 50 songs having been recorded which now form part of a wonderful online Gaelic song resource.

Participants will have the opportunity to take part in a series of workshops with a range of Gaelic song and archiving experts. They will have the opportunity to gain new skills and develop their knowledge of researching songs as well as support as they learn and prepare the songs they have collected.


25 An Gearran, 2023
10:00 m - 4:00 f
Event Category:




25 An Gearran, 2023
10:00 m - 4:00 f
Event Category:


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