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Seisean Spòrsail ann an Aonghas! Fun Session in Angus!

21 An Gearran, 2023 @ 5:30 f - 7:30 f

Seisean Spòrsail ann an Aonghas

We’re going to have a Fun Session in Angus for children in Gaelic Medium Education (P1-7). We’ll come together on Tuesday night (21/02/23) for art and games, 5:30-7:30pm. We hope pupils from different areas will come to give the children an opportunity to meet new friends with Gaelic! Parents will need to stay in the building during the event. There will be a a tea/coffee and snack station available for them. Funded by Seachdain na Gàidhlig’s Small Grants Fund with support from Bòrd na Gàidhlig

Tha Seisean Spòrsail gu bhith againn ann an Aonghas airson clann ann am Foghlam tro Mheadhan na Gàidhlig (P1-7)! Thig sinn còmhla oidhche mhàirt (21/02/23) airson ealain ‘s geamannan, 5:30-7:30pm. Tha sinn an dòchas gun tig sgoilearan bho sgìrean diofraichte gus cothrom a thoirt don chloinn coinneachadh ri caraidean ùra aig a bheil a’ Ghàidhlig! Feumaidh pàrantan fuireach san togalach rèn tachartais. Bidh stèisean tì / cofaidh ‘s grèimeagan ri fhaighinn dhaibh. Air a mhaoineachadh le Seachdain na Gàidhlig tro Mhaoin nan Tabhartas Beag, le taic bho Bhòrd na Gàidhlig.


21 An Gearran, 2023
5:30 f - 7:30 f
Event Category:


Dance Studio Forfar
Suttieside Rd
Forfar, DD8 3EL
+ Google Map


21 An Gearran, 2023
5:30 f - 7:30 f
Event Category:


Dance Studio Forfar
Suttieside Rd
Forfar, DD8 3EL
+ Google Map