Coimhead bhideo an seo!
Chùm Siorcas Coimhearsnachd Phàislig seachdain de threanadh airson luchd-obrach an siorcais agus do dhaoine eile gus an ionnsaicheadh iad briathrachas sa Ghàidhlig, agus bha bùth-obrach aca aig deireadh na seachdain far am biodh cothrom aig duine sam bith feuchainn air sgilean ùr ionnsachadh tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig.
Chaidh am bùth-òbrach mòran nas fheàrr na bha iad an dùil. Bha iad an dùil gum biodh 25 an làthair, ach thàinig daoine a bharrachd cuideachd, agus bha timcheall air 35 ann, ‘s mar sin, tha fios aca a-nis gu bheil uidh mhòr ann an tachartasan dhen sheòrsa. A rèir coltais, bha an seisean a’ còrdadh ri daoine gu mòr agus bha iad gu math toilichte gu robh rudeigin gu math fisigeach agus spòrsail ri fhaighinn air taobh a-muigh na sgoile.
Thuirt a h-uile duine gu robh an trèanadh feumail dhaibh agus gu bheil iad gam brosnachadh airson beagan Gàidhlig a chleachdadh nas trice. Airson an luchd-òbrach aig a bheil Gàidhlig (no Gàidhlig na h-Èìrinn), bha an seachdain air fad na brosnachadh gu mòr dhaibh a bhith a’ cleachdadh an cuid Gàidhlig nas trice agus bha e gu math spòrsail bruidhinn ri chèile.
Chaidh duine no dhithis bho na clasichean Beurla dhan Seisean Siorcais air Disathairne gus facal no dha ionnsachadh cuideachd agus bha sin uabhasach math fhaicinn.
Bha postairean Gàidhlig aca air na ballachan, agus bidh seo a’ leantail san àm ri teachd. Bha ùidh mhòr aig a’ chlann sna clasaichean Beurla anns na postairean seo, agus bha iad math airson a bhith a‘ togail mhothachas air a’ Ghàidhlig.
Cuideachd, chleachd iad sticearan Gàidhlig agus geammanan Gàidhlig agus bha sin a còrdadh gu mòr ris a’ chloinn, gu sònraichte na feadhainn beaga agus am pàrantan.
They used Gaelic stickers and Gaelic games which was greatly enjoyed by the children, particularly the little ones and their parents.
Seo cuid den mheasadh bho chom-pàirtichean:
“Had a lot of fun learning new Gaelic words!”
“Excellent afternoon, fantastic facility and staff, great opportunity to try something different”
“My child had a fantastic day today so much fun and great to see all the children enjoying themselves”
“Sgoinneil, glè spòrsail!”
“Circus training in Gaelic is an ideal way to encourage language use and receptive skills. It has the added benefit of being a health promoting and community building activity”
Watch a video here!
Community Circus Paisley held training sessions for the circus staff to learn Gaelic terminology for their work and they also held a workshop for people to try out new circus skills through the medium of Gaelic.
The workshop went much better than expected, with 35 turning up rather than the expected 25, proving that the demand for such an activity was there. The workshop was well enjoyed by all in attendance, who were delighted to see something physical and fun happening outwith school hours.
All who attended the training said it was of great benefit of them and encouraged them to speak Gaelic more often. For Gaelic and Gaeilge-speaking staff, the week was a huge motivator for them to use Gaelic and to enjoy speaking to each other.
A few of those who attended classes went to the circus workshop to learn a word or two which was very encouraging.
They had Gaelic posters on the wall and this will continue in future. The children in the English classes enjoyed these posters and they did well to promote the visibility of Gaelic.
They used Gaelic stickers and Gaelic games which was greatly enjoyed by the children, particularly the little ones and their parents.
Here is some of the feedback from participants:
“Had a lot of fun learning new Gaelic words!”
“Excellent afternoon, fantastic facility and staff, great opportunity to try something different”
“My child had a fantastic day today so much fun and great to see all the children enjoying themselves”
“Sgoinneil, glè spòrsail!”
“Circus training in Gaelic is an ideal way to encourage language use and receptive skills. It has the added benefit of being a health promoting and community building activity”