Nach tig sibh còmhla ri sgioba Cheòlais airson latha de fealla-dhà le dràma, ceòl agus dannsa airson inbhich agus daoine òga ann an Cnoc Soilleir mar phàirt de Seachdain na Gàidhlig 2024!
Join Ceòlas for a day of drama, music and dance for adults and young people aged 14+ as part of World Gaelic Week 2024, with an informal performance at the end of the day. Use your Gaelic and have some fun!
Join one of these groups:
Dannsa ann an Latha / Dance Routine in a Day le Màiri MacLean School of Dance Còisir ann an Latha/ Choir in a Day le John Joe MacNeil Dealbh-cluich ann an Latha/Gaelic Play in a Day le Iain Beggs Còmhlan-Pìoba ann an Latha/Pipe Band in a Day le Iseabail MacDonald and Decker Forrest
All classes will be conducted fully in Gaelic, pre-booking essential via the Ceòlas website.
Cost: £10 for day’s tuition and performance with refreshments (£5 for ticket to the informal performance including tea)