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Ciamar a How?? Experimental Poetry Workshop

22 An Gearran, 2023 @ 12:00 f - 3:00 f

Ciamar a How?? na bhùth-obrach bàrdachd deuchainneach an-asgaidh.

A’ cleachdadh chruthan bàrdachd leithid bàrdachd concrait, dubhadh-a-mach/a’ sguabadh às, an dòigh gearraidh, agus ceangal an-asgaidh, cleachdaidh com-pàirtichean goireasan ionnsachaidh cànain a tha rim faighinn gu saor gus bàrdachd agus ealain.

Thoir an aire nach e leasan teagasg cànain a tha seo agus nach eil neach-cuideachaidh na bùth-obrach na eòlaiche air Gàidhlig.Ath-phàigheadh siubhail comasach. Post-d luckycockayne@gmail.com.


Ciamar a How?? is a free experimental poetry workshop.

Using poetic forms such as concrete poetry, blackout/erasure, the cut-up technique, and free association, participants will use freely available language learning resources to create creative pieces that incorporate Scots Gaelic.

Be aware that this is not an instructional language lesson and the workshop facilitator is not a Gaelic language expert.

A small local travel budget is available. Email Luca at luckycockayne@gmail.com if you need money for travelling ahead of the event.


22 An Gearran, 2023
12:00 f - 3:00 f
Event Category:


Luca Cockayne


Pink Peacock
451 Victoria Road, Govanhill
Glasgow, G42 XRW
+ Google Map


22 An Gearran, 2023
12:00 f - 3:00 f
Event Category:


Luca Cockayne


Pink Peacock
451 Victoria Road, Govanhill
Glasgow, G42 XRW
+ Google Map