Nach tig sibh còmhla rinn airson cuirm-chiùil bhliadhnail Còisir Ghàidhlig Ìleach Ghlaschu! Fo stiùireadh ar stiùiriche cliùiteach Kirsteen Ghrannd, seinnidh a’ chòisir òrain sean is ùr. A bharrachd air sin cluinnidh sibh òran no dhà bho chuid de na buill againn fhìn. Bidh ceòl againn cuideachd bho cluicheadar a’ bhogsa-ciùil Charlie Kirkpatrick, agus sgeulachdan bhon Chathraiche Kathryn Callander, stiùiriche ar co-chòisir ann am Baile Ghobhainn.
Oidhche shònraichte le cuideachd raffle, tì, cofaidh, briosgaidean agus fealla-dhà. Chòrdadh e rinn gu mòr ur faicinn ann!
Join us for Glasgow Islay Gaelic Choir’s annual concert! Under the baton of our renowned conductor Kirsteen Grant, the choir will perform songs new and old. Alongside solos from our own members, we’ll also have music from accordionist Charlie Kirkpatrick, as well as stories from our Chair Kathryn Callander, conductor of our sister choir in Govan.
All this plus a raffle, tea, coffee, biscuits and banter. We’d love to see you there!
Cost: £10 (free for under-15s)