Thigibh còmhla rinn airson seisean sònraichte den Chròileagain airson seachdain na Gàidhlig a chomharrachadh. Feuch an toir thu leat plaide cuirm-chnuic agus greimean-bìdh no deochan teth sam bith a thaghas tu. Tha an tachartas seo ceadaichte leis an aimsir agus mar sin feuch an cùm thu sùil air facebook airson ùrachaidhean. Dha clann fo aois còig.
Come and join us for a special outdoor Cròileagan session to celebrate Gaelic week. Please bring a picnic blanket and any snacks or hot drinks of your choosing. This event is weather permitting so please keep an eye on our Facebook page for updates. For children under five.
This event is held outside the Education Centre, Holyrood Park, 1 Queen’s Drive, Edinburgh EH8 8HG
Gàidhlig agus Beurla | Gaelic and English