Come along to a weekly rehearsal with a friendly Stirling-based community choir. If you’re already learning Gaelic or just curious, why not join us for a session to see if you’d like to become a member. You don’t have to speak Gaelic to sing it, though it’s a great way to expand your vocabulary. We meet every Wednesday in term-time from 7.30pm, thugainn!
Faigh Ar Cuairt-Litir
Airson an fhiosrachaidh agus nan naidheachdan as ùire
Seachdain na Gàidhlig
World Gaelic Week
Tha Seachdain na Gàidhlig air a cho-òrdanachadh le Hands Up for Trad, Àireamh Carthannas na h-Alba 035 190.