Luchd-cruthachail na Gàidhlig – Cothroman obrach // Freelance work opportunity – Creative Practitioners for Gaelic Workshops

Taigh Chearsabhagh Lochmaddy

 A bheil Gàidhlig agaibh? Cothrom obrach airson luchd-cruthachail!    Tha sinn a’ lorg luchd-ealain, sgrìobhadairean, luchd-ciùil, no duine sam bith a tha cruthachail, le Gàidhlig, agus aig a bheil ùidh ann am bùthan-obrach a chumail.     Tha sinn a’ beachdachadh air rudan spòrsail far am bi fàilte air a h-uile duine. Tha feum againn oirbhse airson seo […]

Seachdain na Gàidhlig aig Bun-sgoil an Iar / World Gaelic Week at West Primary School

Bun-sgoil an Iar Newton Street, Paisley, Renfrewshire, United Kingdom

Mar phàirt de sheachdain na Gàidhlig, bidh sinn a’ cur air dòigh sreath de thachartasan a’ comhrachadh stèidheachadh ar n-aonad Gàidhlig ùr aig Bun-Sgoil an Iar. Bithear a’ cleachdadh maoineachadh Seachdain na Gàidhlig gus tidsear a bharrachd fhaighinn aig a bheil Gàidhlig airson dà làtha airson clasaichean Gàidhlig a theagasg ann an Clasaichean foghlam tro […]

Gaelic-language Meme Competition


Throughout the week, anyone visiting The Gaelic Meme Machine Facebook page may submit a Gaelic-language meme for consideration. Submissions should be made via direct message to the page admin, and those selected will be published on the page. The overall winner as well as the first and second runners up will receive book tokens for […]


Seachdain na Gàidhlig ann an Condobhrait

Various Cumbernauld

We have a week of events planned to celebrate Gaelic week as well as 25 years of Gaelic-medium education in Bun-sgoil Chondobhrait.

Aithris dàn còmhla ri Leabharlann Bàrdachd na h-Alba! | Recite a poem with the Scottish Poetry Library!


Comharraich Seachdain na Gàidhlig còmhla rinn air loidhne! Tha tosgaire Gàidhlig Leabharlann Bàrdachd na h-Alba Màrtainn Mac an t-Saoir a toirt cuireadh dhuibh uile a bhith ag aithris am pìos bàrdachd as fheàrr leibh. Dh’fhaodadh gur e dàn neo òran a bhiodh ann, fiù ‘s fear a rinn sibh fhèin - dìreach dean clàr dhuibh […]


Car a’ Mhuiltein | Somersaults


“Bidh mi uaireannan a’ smaoineachadh cò ris a bhiodh e coltach a bhith nam neach-labhairt deireannach air cànan.   Bhiodh na h-abhcaidean agad uile nan abhcaidean dìomhair. Dheigheadh na rùintean-dìomhair agad uile don uaigh còmhla riut.”  Tha Theatar Nàiseanta na h-Alba a’ toirt thugaibh Car a’ Mhuiltein | Somersaults, film ghoirid ùr Ghàidhlig leis an dràmadair […]


GLEANS Challenge – Cò ris a tha e coltach?


Dùbhlan Gàidhlig Spòrsail airson luchd-ionnsachaidh 1+2 – A fun Gaelic challenge for those learning Gaelic as a 1+2 language


The Two Thistle’s / An Dà Cluarain

FC Sonas will work alongside both Inverness Caledonian Thistle and Partick Thistle to showcase support within Scottish football for the Gaelic language. We will aim to engage with both teams respective communities via social media content and highlight the presence of Gaelic within different dynamics of the football clubs. Both clubs have committed to a […]

FC Sonas


Online re-release of FC Sonas interactive video sessions


Stòiridhean Seòrdag GORMAL ’S NA CAILPICH


FREE to read / listen to online during Seachdain na Gàidhlig: Stòiridhean Seòrdag GORMAL ’S NA CAILPICH Through ‘Read Aloud,’ listen to Alec Macdonald doing the voices!    


Dùthchas na beanntan


Follow our social media accounts so we can show you one of the ways people connect with place in Wester Ross Biosphere - starting with mountains. We will share some of the mountains that are within the Biosphere area via Instagram/FB stories, detailing their pronunciations and folklore, whilst also asking people to contribute their own photos […]


Siorrachd Dhùn Breatainn an Iar: Cèilidhean Beaga – Sgoiltean-Àraich agus Bun-sgoiltean GLPS

West Dunbartonshire Council - Gaelic St Peter The Apostle High School Kirkoswald Drive, Clydebank, United Kingdom

Tha an taic-airgid seo a’ toirt cothrom dha na bun-sgoiltean agus sgoiltean-àraich GLPS cèilidhean beaga a chur air bhog tron t-seachdain ‘Seachdain na Gàidhlig 2023’ san sgìre againn.  Cum sùil a-mach airson an Twitter againn @WDCGaelic airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh.  Cothrom a thighinn còmhla le Gàidhlig aig a chridhe!   This grant money will give the […]

Teaghlach is Caraidean

Abercorn School 195 Garscube Road, Cowcaddens, Glasgow, United Kingdom

The theme for our Additional Support for learning School, Abercorn, is Family and Friends. This links in to the theme of Coming Together for Gaelic Week. We are an inclusive school, who want to celebrate the Gaelic language, culture and heritage. We want to promote the health and well-being of everyone in our school community. […]


Craic agus an Clo Mhor


The Harris Tweed Authority social media channels will feature a short interview with a different weaver/ mill worker/ Harris Tweed maker each day of the week as they tell amusing/ interesting tales from our/ their work in the Harris Tweed industry. Each video will use a different location, so viewers will see a mixture of […]


Capital Gaelic – A’ tighinn còmhla! /coming together! Madainn Chofaidh

Bun Sgoil Taobh na Pàirce 139 Bonnington Road, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Comunn na Gàidhlig: Madainn Chofaidh Diluain 20 Gearran 9:30m - 10:40m Bun Sgoil Taobh na Pàirce, 139 Bonnington Road, Dùn Èideann EH6 5NQ Thig còmhla rinn gus toiseach Seachdain na Gàidhlig a chomharrachadh aig ar madainn chofaidh airson MacMillan Cancer Support. Ma tha sibh airson cur ris le bhith a’ toirt seachad duais raffle, cèic […]


Craic san Oilthigh

Seòmar Deasbaid, GUU 32 University Avenue, Glasgow

Airson Seachdain na Gàidhlig a chur gu dol le brag is sgairt, bidh tachartas anns an GUU dha oileanaich aig a bheil a' Ghàidhlig, no ùidh innte. Anns a' mhadainn bidh cothroman ann son beagan craic a ghabhail le aoighean an sàs ann an saoghal na Gàidhlig. Bidh seisean Sgeul is Seanchas ann fo stiùir […]


Faisg ‘s Farsaing

Cnoc Soilleir Limited Daliburgh, Isle of South Uist, United Kingdom

It is planned to hold a variety of events during World Gaelic Week at our new building Cnoc Soilleir in Daliburgh, South Uist. These will be held over the full week and include social media posts with members of the community sharing their favourite proverb; live music session with plenty Gaelic chat and refreshments; guest […]


Partick Thistle – Seachdain na Gàidhlig

Firhill Stadium 80 Firhill Road, Glasgow, UK, G20 7AL, United Kingdom

Monday – Friday during Seachdain na Gàidhlig, the club will make a daily social media post involving a short video clip focusing on an individual associated with the club explaining what Gaelic and what it means to them.  The video clips will be recorded in Gaelic with English subtitles. On the match day (25th February […]

Coffee and Craic at Elgin Library, Moray

Elgin Library Cooper Park, Elgin, Moray, United Kingdom

A warm welcome awaits for learners and speakers to meet, peruse the new Gaelic book collection, and chat about all things Gaelic.


Bàrdachd Ghàidhlig / Scottish Gaelic Poetry

The Croft Celtic Cultural Centre and Cafe Glen Innes, New South Wales, Australia

Leughaidh sinn dàin anns a' Ghàidhlig agus  na h-eadar-theangachaidhean Beurla aca, agus bruidhnidh sinn mun dhèidhinn.  Bidh fàilte roimhaibh uile.  Chan eil cosgais ann. We will read poems in Gaelic and their English translations, and we will talk about the poems.  All are welcome.  The event is free of charge.


Capital Gaelic – A’ tighinn còmhla! /coming together! Coimisean Ciùil Ghàidhlig Rachel Newton


Gailearaidhean Nàiseanta na h-Alba Coimisean Ciùil Ghàidhlig Rachel Newton Diluain 20 Gearran 6-6.30f Air-loidhne An-asgaidh, ach le ticead. Bidh an seinneadair is clàrsaiche Rachel Newton a’ toirt seachad pìosan ciùil ‘work in progress’ agus a’ beachdachadh air a’ bhrosnachadh air cùl a h-ath-sgrìobhaidh ciùil Gàidhlig, air a choimiseanadh le Gailearaidhean Nàiseanta na h-Alba. Tha feum […]


Rachel Newton Gaelic music commission

Singer and harpist Rachel Newton shares 'work in progress' musical excerpts and discusses the inspiration behind her upcoming Gaelic music composition, commissioned by National Galleries of Scotland. Bidh an seinneadair is clàrsaiche Rachel Newton a’ toirt seachad pìosan ciùil ‘work in progress’ agus a’ beachdachadh air a’ bhrosnachadh air cùl a h-ath-sgrìobhaidh ciùil Gàidhlig, air […]


Cèilidh mun Chagailt – Claire Frances MacNeil


Tha An Comunn Gàidhealach agus Fèisean nan Gàidheal air leth toilichte a bhith ag obair còmhla a-rithist airson Seachdain na Gàidhlig a chomharrachadh le sreath de sheiseanan seinn. Bidh fàilte bhlàth romhaibh uile, sean is òg, a bhith an làthair tro Zoom airson beagan seinn a dhèanamh gach oidhche aig 7f le na seinneadairean gu […]


Cuir air bhog Album Nodha ‘Leodhas’ | Nodha ‘Leodhas’ Album Launch

The Voodoo Rooms 19a West Register Street, Edinburgh

Thig còmhla ri Nodha agus iad a’ cur air bhog a’ chiad chlàr aca ‘Leodhas’, 8 bliadhna às deidh dhaibh tòiseachadh air a’ phròiseas! Na bheachd-smuain aig an ioma-ionnsramaid Calum MacLeòid, tha Nodha na phròiseact a tha a’ ceangal fuinn is òrain thraidiseanta Ghàidhlig ri jazz agus electronics (am measg stoidhlichean eile!). Bidh an cluicheadair […]

Come and Learn a Gaelic Song

St Mungos Church 4 St Mungo's Road, Cumbernauld, United Kingdom

Gaelic Song Taster with Sian and Cumbernauld Gaelic Choir You are invited to attend a night of beautiful voices and singing.  This is an opportunity to hear Gaelic music in both traditional, choral and 3 part harmony.  You will hear from a renowned and successful vocal group called SIAN and the award winning Cumbernauld Gaelic […]


Gaelic Placename of the Day

Online - Highland Council Social Media

In conjunction with Ainmean Àite na h-Alba are developing a Gaelic Place Name of the Day (Highland) which will be placed on the social media sites.


Seanfhacal (Gaelic Proverb of the Day)

Online - Highland Council Social Media

A Gaelic Proverb of the Day will be placed on relevant social media sites with support from Comms Team including the relevant hashtags.


Cupa Iomain na h-Òige 2023 – Ceann a Deas na h-Alba

Bishopbriggs Academy Wester Cleddens Rd, Bishopbriggs

Cupa Iomain na h-Òige returns to Bishopbriggs Academy after the success of the 2022 event held during World Gaelic Week. This round of the competition is open to teams from Gaelic Medium Primary Schools across the South of Scotland for players in the P4-P7 age group. Cupa Iomain na h-Oige is an award winning opportunity […]

Latha Nam Breacagan & bleadraigeadh // Pancake and Patter Day

An Lòchran, 22 Mansfield Street, Partick, Glasgow

Ionad An Lòchran.  Saor an asgaidh agus fosgailte do dhuine sam bith.  Tì/cofaidh agus breacagan.  Bidh sinn a' dèanamh nam breacagan ùra fhad's a tha sibh ann. An Lòchran, No charge and open to everyone.  Come along for tea/coffee and pancakes.  The pancakes will be made fresh on site.  We will have some Vegan ones […]


Faisg ‘s Farsaing

Cnoc Soilleir Limited Daliburgh, Isle of South Uist, United Kingdom

It is planned to hold a variety of events during World Gaelic Week at our new building Cnoc Soilleir in Daliburgh, South Uist. These will be held over the full week and include social media posts with members of the community sharing their favourite proverb; live music session with plenty Gaelic chat and refreshments; guest […]


Bookbug Gàidhlig | Gaelic Bookbug

McDonald Road Library 2-8 McDonald Road, Edinburgh

Òrain is rannan spòrsail airson clann aois còig agus nas òige agus am pàrantan agus an luchd-cùraim. Thigibh còmhla rinn airson Bookbug aig Leabharlann Rathad MhicDhòmhnaill. Roinnidh sinn òrain, rannan, agus sgeulachdan do chlann aois còig agus nas òige. Feuch nach glèidh sibh ach tiocaidean do dh'inbhich a bhios an làthair. Join us for Bookbug […]

Seachdain na Gàidhlig 2023 @ Grinneabhat

Fàilte gu Seachdain na  Gàidhlig 2023 ann an Grinneabhat, Bràdhagair, Eilean Leòdhas. Chan eil an clàr tachartasan deiseil fhathast ach gu cinnteach thèid Clasaichean SpeakGaelic a’ chumail air Dimàirt 21 Gearran aig 5f agus 6f Cùm siùil air airson fios mu na tachartasan againn. Cur fòn gu 01851 710210 no post-d gu airson […]

Seisean Spòrsail ann an Aonghas! Fun Session in Angus!

Dance Studio Forfar Suttieside Rd, Forfar

We’re going to have a Fun Session in Angus for children in Gaelic Medium Education (P1-7). We’ll come together on Tuesday night (21/02/23) for art and games, 5:30-7:30pm. We hope pupils from different areas will come to give the children an opportunity to meet new friends with Gaelic! Parents will need to stay in the […]


Seinn aig Talla Bhreacais

Òrain Luaidh le Anne Mhàrtainn / Gaelic Waulking Songs with Anne Martin Seinn Aig Talla Bhreacais 21 February 2023 6-8pm Seinn Aig Talla Bhreacais will give people the opportunity to attend a singing workshop at Talla Bhreacais (An t-Eilean Sgitheanach) during Seachdain na Gàidhlig. This singing workshop will be led by Anne Martin from Kilmuir through […]


Moray’s Gaelic History

Online via TEAMS , United Kingdom

Iain Mac an Tàilleir will talk to us on-line about the persistence of Gaelic in what is now the Moray Council area into the 20th century. (Iain trained in Celtic Studies and then as a teacher of Gaelic, working in South Uist and Perthshire before returning to Jordanhill to work on materials for the new […]


Angus MacLeod’s Gaelic Graphic Novel Webinar

Online from Cape Breton Cape Breton

Mar phàirt de Sheachdain na Gàidhlig 2023, bidh an t-ùghdar is neach-ealain Aonghas MacLeòid, à Ceap Breatann, Alba Nuadh, a’ taisbeanadh seisean Zoom an-asgaidh. Bheir Aonghas iomradh air aon de na sgeulachdan ann an Dorsan, an dàrna nobhail ghrafaigeach aige. Le 15 sgeulachd fantasachd is oillt, chaidh Dorsan fhoillseachadh san Dàmhair 2022 le Clò a’ Bhradain. Leughaidh […]


Cèilidh mun Chagailt – Peter MacPherson


Tha An Comunn Gàidhealach agus Fèisean nan Gàidheal air leth toilichte a bhith ag obair còmhla a-rithist airson Seachdain na Gàidhlig a chomharrachadh le sreath de sheiseanan seinn. Bidh fàilte bhlàth romhaibh uile, sean is òg, a bhith an làthair tro Zoom airson beagan seinn a dhèanamh gach oidhche aig 7f le na seinneadairean gu […]


Gaelic Awareness Session

Committee Meeting Room, Student Union, St Andrews

Join us to explore the heritage of Gaelic in Fife and share in World Gaelic Week.

Sèimh: The State of Calm

Scottish Storytelling Centre 43-45 High Street, Edinburgh

Bidh an seinneadair is sgrìobhadair òrain ainmeil Gillebrìde MacMillan a’ seinn òrain thùsail Ghàidhlig bhon chlàr ùr aige, Sèimh: The State of Calm. Air a bhogadh ann an traidiseanan agus cleachdaidhean Gàidhlig Uibhist a Deas, tha Gillebrìde cuideachd air cliù a chosnadh dha fhèin airson a chuid òrain chumhachdach, inntinneach. Celebrated Gaelic singer-songwriter Gillebrìde MacMillan […]

£10 – £12

Around the Virtual Hearth: A Modern Look at Traditional Gaelic Storytelling


“A’ cheud sgeul air fear an taighe agus sgeul gu latha air an aoidh.” “The first story from the host and a tale until dawn from the guest.” This podcast is a conversation about the tradition of Scottish Gaelic storytelling. Storytelling has been a central part of Gaelic life since time immemorial, and remains to […]


Capital Gaelic – A’ tighinn còmhla! /coming together! Magic Carpet: Gaelic Special

National Museum of Scotland Chambers Street, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Taigh-tasgaidh Nàiseanta na h-Alba, Sràid Chambers Magic Carpet: Gaelic Special Diciadain 22 Gearran 2023 11:00-11:45 Gailearaidh Kingdom of the Scots level 1 An-asgaidh, feumar clàradh Thig còmhla rinn aig Taigh-tasgaidh Nàiseanta na h-Alba airson seisean sònraichte Gàidhlig Magic Carpet. Mar phàirt de Sheachdain Ghàidhlig Dhùn Èideann, tha sinn a’ toirt cothrom dhan fheadhainn bheaga a […]
