Thighibh còmhla rinn airson strùpag, cabadaich is ceòl aig taigh-òsta alainn ann am Port Rìgh. Bidh Còisir Sgìre Phort Rìgh còmhla rinn is dòchas clann bho Bun Sgoil Gàidhlig Phort Rìgh cuideachd. Tachartas airson daoine air a bheil seargadh-inntinne, an teaghlach, an caraidean agus an luchd-cùraim.
Airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh cuir fios gu Diane Smith, Alzheimer Scotland Community Activities Organiser, air
Fòn: 07825 608057
Come and join us for a cuppa, chat and music at a lovely hotel in Portree. The Portree Gaelic Choir will be with us and hopefully children from Bun Sgoil Gàidhlig Portree too. An event for people with dementia, their family, friends and carers.
For more information contact Diane Smith, Alzheimer Scotland Community Activities Organiser:
Tel: 07825 608057
All welcome whether you have Gaelic or not.
Cost: Free