Singer and harpist Rachel Newton shares ‘work in progress’ musical excerpts and discusses the inspiration behind her upcoming Gaelic music composition, commissioned by National Galleries of Scotland. Bidh an seinneadair is clàrsaiche Rachel Newton a’ toirt seachad pìosan ciùil ‘work in progress’ agus a’ beachdachadh air a’ bhrosnachadh air cùl a h-ath-sgrìobhaidh ciùil Gàidhlig, air a choimiseanadh le Gailearaidhean Nàiseanta na h-Alba.
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Seachdain na Gàidhlig
World Gaelic Week
Seachdain na Gàidhlig is facilitated by Hands Up for Trad, Scottish Charity No 035 190.