Gailearaidhean Nàiseanta na h-Alba
Coimisean Ciùil Ghàidhlig Rachel Newton
Diluain 20 Gearran
An-asgaidh, ach le ticead.
Bidh an seinneadair is clàrsaiche Rachel Newton a’ toirt seachad pìosan ciùil ‘work in progress’ agus a’ beachdachadh air a’ bhrosnachadh air cùl a h-ath-sgrìobhaidh ciùil Gàidhlig, air a choimiseanadh le Gailearaidhean Nàiseanta na h-Alba.
Tha feum agaibh air àite a chuir air dòigh:: https://www.nationalgalleries.
National Galleries of Scotland.
Rachel Newton Gaelic music commission
Monday 20 February
Free, but ticketed.
Singer and harpist Rachel Newton shares ‘work in progress’ musical excerpts and discusses the inspiration behind her upcoming Gaelic music composition, commissioned by National Galleries of Scotland.
Book your ticket here: https://www.nationalgalleries.