World Gaelic Week

Celebrating Scottish Gaelic across the globe
24th February – 2nd March 2025

Theme to be announced…

Seachdain na Gàidhlig is the first official nationwide language and culture week to be held in Scotland.

Seachdain na Gàidhlig (World Gaelic Week) aims to raise the profile of Gaelic through community initiatives, projects and events. It provides the opportunity for both Gaelic speakers and those without the language to take part in a way that suits them; here in Scotland and further afield. Anybody can take part and / or run their own event – get in touch if you would like to discuss an idea.

Say A Gaelic Phrase Day

Thursday 22nd February 2024 is the third Say A Gaelic Phrase Day.

This is an initiative to encourage people to try speaking Gaelic, or to use the Gaelic that they have! To take part, all you need to do is pick a Gaelic phrase, learn how to say it (by listening to our audio files), make a video (on your phone, tablet or computer) and post it on social media using the hashtag #LàAbairtNaGàidhlig or #SayAGaelicPhraseDay. Simple as that!

Latest News

Thig a dh’obair còmhla ris an sgioba bheag laghach againn - gheibhear tuilleadh fiorachaidh tron cheangal gu h-ìseal.

Come and work with our lovely team - full details through the link below ⬇️

#Gàidhlig #Gaelic #cleachdi @sngaidhlig @bordnagaidhlig

We are hiring!

Social Media and Administrative Assistant

Join the Seachdain na Gàidhlig team as we develop our exciting project!

📍 Location: At home
⏰ Deadline: Friday 16th August

Find the job description here:

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Support Us

For more information and to talk to us about how you can help Seachdain na Gàidhlig, please contact our Development Manager, Persephone Nichol-Bose, on

We welcome support from individuals, organisations and businesses alike.

Cuir taic ri Seachdain na Gàidhlig // Support Seachdain na Gàidhlig Thoir tìodhlac an seo // Donate Here