A’ Seinn ‘son Spòrs / Singing For Fun

Calton Heritage & Learning Centre 423 London Road, Glasgow

Seiseanan an-asgaidh gach Dihaoine dhaibhsan a tha 16+.  Cothrom ur guth is ur misneachd a' thogail gus a bhith seinn ann am buidheann agus spòrs a bhith agaibh a-measg dhaoine air an aon inntinn. Mar phàirt de Sheachdain na Gàidhlig, tha Glaschu Beò a' tabhann tachartas sònraicte an t-seachdain seo leis an t-seinneadair Màiri Nic'IlleMhoire […]


Gaelic Taster Session

An Lòchran, 22 Mansfield Street, Partick, Glasgow

Free drop in session as a friendly introduction to the Gaelic language. Cost: Free

Gaelic Bookbug

An Lòchran, 22 Mansfield Street, Partick, Glasgow

Introduction to Gaelic Bookbug for families in a warm safe friendly environment. Cost: Free

Gaelic Drop In Session

An Lòchran, 22 Mansfield Street, Partick, Glasgow

An introduction to the Gaelic Language in a warm, safe friendly environment. Cost: Free