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Giglets Storytelling Event/Seisean Sgeulach – ‘A’ Chroabh-ghiuthais Bheag’.

22 February @ 2:00 pm - 2:30 pm

Giglets Storytelling Event

Leughaidh sinn an sgeulachd ùr, ‘A’ Chroabh-ghiuthais Bheag’, a thèid fhoillseachadh airson Seachdain na Gàidhlig air Diluain 19mh An Gearran. Bidh MJ Deans, cleasaiche deagh-aithnichte, còmhla rinn agus ag innse na sgeulachd.

Tha an seisean seo freagarrach do sgoilearan ann an C3 agus C4, ach le beagan deasachadh a thaobh cànan ro làimh ma dh’fhaodte gum bi e a’ còrdadh ri C1 agus C2 cuideachd leis gu bheil tòrr dhealbhan ann.

Bidh na seiseanan sgeulachd againn a’ gabhail àite air Teams agus faodaidh tidsearan sgrìn mhòr sa chlas a chleachdadh gus am faic an luchd-ionnsachaidh uile i.


Join us for a new Giglets story, ‘The Little Pine Tree’, which will be published in Gaelic on 19th February.

This event will be in Gaelic throughout and is suitable for pupils in P3 and P4, but with a little language preparation in advance, it may also be enjoyed by P1 and P2 as there are a lot of beautiful and engaging pictures. With special guest, well-known Gaelic actor MJ Deans, we will read ‘A’ Chroabh-ghiuthais Bheag’ which will be published on Giglets especially for Seachdain na Gàidhlig on Monday 19th February.

Our storytelling sessions take place on Teams, and teachers are encouraged to show the event on their display boards so that all learners can see. You can choose to have your camera turned on, so that your pupils can see themselves and other schools in our wonderful community, or you may wish to turn your camera off and still participate via the chat function.

Cost: Free




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Online via TEAMS
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