Tha Màrtainn agus Màiri air a bhith ag obair gu dlùth còmhla, fad dà bhliadhna, air pròiseact òran, ciùil is sgeulachd mu na Fianna a thèid fhaicinn aig Celtic Connections 2024.
Tuigidh iad ealain is comasan a chèile is tha buiintealas Uibhist a Deas is a dualchas prìseil dhan dithis aca.
Eadar òrain, bàrdachd is sgeòil bheir iad cuirm thlachdmhor dhan èisteachd a bhios freumhaichte san dualchas ach a tha beò, innleachdach is co-aimisireil. Abair cothrom dhan chànain!
Martin and Mary have been working closely together for two years on a song, music and story project about the Fianna, which will be seen at Celtic Connections 2024.
Their shared South Uist heritage is precious to both of them, and they bring this understanding for a night of songs and stories rooted in tradition but alive, creative and contemporary. What an opportunity for the language!