Tha sinn gu bhith toirt sgoilearan à diofar bhun-sgoiltean air clas 7 a tha gluasad suas dhan an àrd-sgoile às t-Sàmhradh airson latha bùth-obrach seinn. Tha sinn airson ‘s gum faigh iad cothrom coinneachadh ri sgoilearan eile bho air feagh an t-eilean a tha gu bhith ‘s na clasaichean aca, agus cuideachd ceangal a dheànamh troimhe ceòl thraidiseanta Ghàidhlig agus Còisir Sgoil MhicNeacail. //
We are bringing together pupils from various primary schools who are in p7 and are moving to s1 after the summer break for a day long Gaelic singing workshop. We are hoping to provide them with the opportunity to meet other pupils from across the island who will be in their classes in the future, and also to connect through traditional gaelic music and the Nicolson Institute Gàidhlig Choir.