Bidh an seinneadair is sgrìobhadair òrain ainmeil Gillebrìde MacMillan a’ seinn òrain thùsail Ghàidhlig bhon chlàr ùr aige, Sèimh: The State of Calm. Air a bhogadh ann an traidiseanan agus cleachdaidhean Gàidhlig Uibhist a Deas, tha Gillebrìde cuideachd air cliù a chosnadh dha fhèin airson a chuid òrain chumhachdach, inntinneach.
Celebrated Gaelic singer-songwriter Gillebrìde MacMillan performs his eagerly anticipated album of original Gaelic songs Sèimh: The State of Calm. Immersed in the Gaelic traditions and customs of his native South Uist, Gillebrìde has also gained critical acclaim for his powerful and evocative songwriting.
Gàidhlig agus Beurla | Gaelic and English