Thig còmhla ri tisdear Gàidhlig agus seinneadair Bria Mason airson coiseachd nàdair ann an Drumpellier Country Park. Ionnsaichibh mu nàdair ann an cultar na Gàidhlig, ainmean nam beathaichean agus lùsan agus èistibh ri sgeulachdan ceangailte riutha.
Join Gaelic teacher and singer Bria Mason for a relaxed nature walk through Drumpellier Country Park, You can enjoy the surroundings while learning about nature in Gaelic culture. You’ll learn the Gaelic names of some common plants and animals and hear the stories connected to them while discovering some of the nature available on your doorstep. There may even be a song or two.
Cafe facilities available in visitor centre after the walk.
Meet outside the Vistor Centre at Drumpellier Country Park at 1.30 pm. Wear clothes suitable for the weather. All welcome. Suitable for all the family.