Taigh-tasgaidh Nàiseanta na h-Alba, Sràid Chambers
Magic Carpet: Gaelic Special
Diciadain 22 Gearran 2023
Gailearaidh Kingdom of the Scots level 1
An-asgaidh, feumar clàradh
Thig còmhla rinn aig Taigh-tasgaidh Nàiseanta na h-Alba airson seisean sònraichte Gàidhlig Magic Carpet.
Mar phàirt de Sheachdain Ghàidhlig Dhùn Èideann, tha sinn a’ toirt cothrom dhan fheadhainn bheaga a dhol an sàs sa Ghàidhlig nar seisean eadar-obrachail, le sgeulachdan, òrain, rannan agus làimhseachadh stuthan.
Tha an tachartas seo freagarrach dha clann fo aois 5 agus an inbheach. Chan eil feum air eòlas air Gàidhlig!
Feumaidh inbheach a bhith còmhla ris a’ chloinn (dithis chloinne aig a’ char as motha airson gach inbheach). Feumaidh a h-uile neach-frithealaidh ticead chur air dòigh.
Tuilleadh fiosrachaidh aig: www.nms.ac.uk/GaelicWeek
National Museum of Scotland, Chambers Street
Magic Carpet: Gaelic Special
Wednesday 22 February 2023
Kingdom of the Scots Gallery, Level 1
Free, booking required
Join us at the National Museum of Scotland for a special Gaelic Magic Carpet session.
As part of Edinburgh Gaelic Week, we’re offering the opportunity for little ones to engage with Gaelic in our interactive session, featuring stories, songs, rhymes and object handling.
This event is suitable for under 5s and their adult. No knowledge of Gaelic required!
Children must be accompanied by an adult (max two children per adult). All attendees must book a ticket.
Part of Seachdain Gàidhlig Dhùn Èideann (Edinburgh Gaelic Week), 20–26 February 2023. This year’s festival theme is “Coming Together / A’ Tighinn Còmhla”, inspired by post-pandemic recovery.
More info at www.nms.ac.uk/GaelicWeek