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Capital Gaelic – A’ tighinn còmhla! /coming together! Ceòl Traidiseanta do Dhaoine Beagan

25 February, 2023 @ 11:00 am - 11:30 am

- Free

Taigh-tasgaidh Nàiseanta na h-Alba, Sràid Chambers

Ceòl Traidiseanta do Dhaoine Beagan

Disathairne 25 Gearran 2023


Gailearaidh Kingdom of the Scots, level 1

An-asgaidh, feumar ticead

Òrain is sgeulachdan traidiseanta Gàidhlig ann an taisbeanadh spòrsail, eadar-obrachail a chaidh a chur ri chèile a dh’aona-ghnothach airson clann bheag agus an inbhich.

‘S e duo dùthchasach a th’ ann an Josie Duncan agus Owen Sinclair le dà ghuth, giotàr agus clàrsach. Bho dhiofar cheàrnan de cheann a tuath na h-Alba, bidh an dithis a’ toirt an tàlant fhèin do dh’ òrain thraidiseanta le co-sheirm gutha agus aithris sgeulachdan a’ rannsachadh na Gàidhlig, Albais agus traidiseanan bho air feadh an t-saoghail.

Thig còmhla ri Josie agus Owen airson seisean ciùil is sgeulachdan freagarrach airson teaghlaichean ann an gailearaidh Kingdom of the Scots.

Freagarrach dha clann fo aois 5, ach feumaidh inbheach a bhith còmhla ris a’ chloinn (dithis chloinne aig a’ char as motha airson gach inbheach). Feumaidh a h-uile neach-frithealaidh ticead a chuir air dòigh.

Tuilleadh fiosrachaidh aig www.nms.ac.uk/GaelicWeek

Le Live Music Now Scotland.

National Museum of Scotland, Chambers Street

Traditional Tunes for Tiny People

Saturday 25 February 2023


Kingdom of the Scots gallery, Level 1

Free, ticket required

Enjoy traditional Gaelic songs and stories in a fun, interactive performance specially designed for little ones and their grown-ups.

Josie Duncan and Owen Sinclair are a folk duo made up of two voices, guitar and clarsach. From opposite corners of the North of Scotland, the duo bring their own flair to traditional songs with vocal harmonies and story-telling arrangements exploring Gaelic, Scots and traditions from around the world.

Join Josie and Owen for a family-friendly session of music and storytelling in the Kingdom of the Scots gallery.

Suitable for under 5s, however children must be accompanied by an adult (max two children per adult). All attendees must book a ticket.

More info at www.nms.ac.uk/GaelicWeek

In association with Live Music Now Scotland.





25 February, 2023
11:00 am - 11:30 am
Event Category:


National Museum of Scotland
Chambers Street
Edinburgh, United Kingdom
+ Google Map
View Venue Website


25 February, 2023
11:00 am - 11:30 am
Event Category:


National Museum of Scotland
Chambers Street
Edinburgh, United Kingdom
+ Google Map
View Venue Website
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