“A’ cheud sgeul air fear an taighe agus sgeul gu latha air an aoidh.”
“The first story from the host and a tale until dawn from the guest.”
This podcast is a conversation about the tradition of Scottish Gaelic storytelling. Storytelling has been a central part of Gaelic life since time immemorial, and remains to this day a part of Gaelic communal identity. Stories have provided entertainment certainly, but they have also been a means of sharing and expressing a common cultural heritage, social history, and values, and of contemplating the human condition. The three guests in this dialog discuss not just the role and function of traditional tales in the past but what they still have to offer us in the present.
“Stories can make spaces places.”
~ Nancy Marie Brown, Looking for the Hidden Folk
This podcast is a collaboration between three North American organizations serving the Scottish Gaelic community: An Comunn Gàidhealach Ameireaganach (the American Scottish Gaelic Society), the Hidden Glen Folk School of Scottish Highland Heritage, and Sgoil Gàidhlig Bhaile an Taigh Mhóir (The Gaelic School of Baltimore.)