Sùil air: Sgoil Dhanns Cheryl Heggie – Danns airson na Gàidhlig // Case Study: Cheryl Heggie School of Dance – Dancing for Gaelic

Air Seachdain na Gàidhlig, le taic bho Mhaoin nan Tabhartas Beag (Bòrd na Gàidhlig), chùm Sgoil Dhanns Cheryl Heggie ceithir bùthan-obrach do chloinn òg ann an 3 sgìrean sa choimhearsnachd (Hilton, Balloch & Slackbuie). Chaidh abairtean is faclan Gàidhlig  freagarrach do chloinn is luchd-aire de gach aois a chleachadh anns na bùthan-obrach agus bha cothrom aig na com-pàirtichean Gàidhlig fheuchainn is a chleachdadh. Fhuair gach neach lethbhreac de dh’abairtean Gàidhlig gus an cumadh iad orra ag ionnsachadh aig an taigh.

Mheasgaich luchd-labhairt is luchd-ionnsachaidh gu math sa chlas còmhla. Bha cuid nach robh air a bhith ann an àrainneachd Ghàidhlig roimhe, agus bha e na thlachd do luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig cuideachd a bhith ag ionnsachadh sa chànan. Chòrd e ris na com-pàirtichean a bhith ag eacarsaich gus an slàinte a thoirt air adhart – bodhaig is inntinn. Dh’obraich structar is cruth nan clasaichean gu math.

Tha iad an dùil a-nis duilleag òrain a dhèanamh a thèid an cois nan abairtean Gàidhlig. Thug com-pàirtichean dhachaigh leotha bileag fiosrachaidh air buidhnean FtMG leithid: buidhnean cloinne (Cluich, Ceuman Beaga), sgoiltean is sgoiltean-àraich (Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Inbhir Nis),  agus clasaichean inbhich (Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd). Gheibhear fios air a’ bhileig seo air far am faigh iad cothrom a bhith an sàs ann an coimhearsnachd na Gàidhlig.

Gheibh com-pàirtichean air cumail a’ dol le danns is eacarsaich le bhith a’ dol gu clasaichean danns san sgìre aca fhèin. Cumaidh Sgoil Dhanns Cheryl Heggie a’ dol le bhith a’ cleachdadh measgachadh de Ghàidhlig is de Bheurla anns na clasaichean Dannsa Gàidhealach agus togaidh iad air danns, cultar is dualchas.


On Seachdain na Gàidhlig, with funding support from the Small Grants Fund (Bòrd na Gàidhlig), four early years dance classes were held in 3 areas of the local community (Hilton, Balloch and Slackbuie) by the Cheryl Heggie School of Dance. Gaelic words and phrases suitable to the age and stage of children and their carers was spoken within the class with many opportunities for participants to practice and use Gaelic. Participants received their own copy of Gaelic phrases to continue their learning after leaving the class.

Gaelic speakers and non Gaelic speakers participated and mixed well in the class with positive social interactions. Non Gaelic speakers were able to access Gaelic for the first time. Gaelic speakers were able to enjoy using Gaelic in a fun, social environment. All participants enjoyed exercising to music to improve their physical and mental health. The format and structure of the class worked well.

Next steps would be production of a song sheet to hand out alongside the Gaelic phrases. Participants took home an information sheet signposting links to GME organisations such as: toddler groups (Cluich, Ceuman Beaga); schools and nurseries (Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Inbhir Nis); adult Gaelic classes (Highland Council). This sheet provided information on where they can access Gaelic in the community and extend their learning/involvement further.

Participants can continue fitness and exercise by joining dance classes available to them. Cheryl Heggie School of Dance will continue to use a mix of Gaelic and English in Highland Dance classes and build on both dance and language culture and heritage.

Small Grants Fund Deadline Soon

You only have a few days left to apply for our Small Grants Fund, supported by Bòrd na Gàidhlig, which closes on Wednesday 30th November.

You can organise an event especially for the week of 20-26th February, or support an ongoing project which will be a part of Seachdain na Gàidhlig, here in Scotland or elsewhere in the world. You can apply for funding of up to £500 but please do only request what you need.

Our guidelines and application form can be found on the main page of our website, seachdainnagaidhlig.scot, where you will see ‘Small Grants Fund’ on a yellow background.

Don’t miss out!