The Gaelic medium education families of the Goodlyburn primary school in Perth will be hosting a Family Ceilidh in Perth on Saturday, the 25/02/. The Ceilidh will start in the afternoon at 15:30-19:00. The Garry Alexander Ceilidh band will be playing for us. During the event, there will be various possibilities to immerse yourself into the Gaelic language. People of all ages and Gaelic speaking abilities are welcome to ‘come together’ for this event. Gaelic speakers will do the hosting of the event (Gaelic speaking parents and the kids too).
Tha pàrantan Aonad Ghàidhlig Goodlyburn a cur fàilte oirbh gu Ceilidh ann am Peairt air 25/2/23.
Tòisichidh a Chèilidh againn aig 3:30f le ‘An Garry Alexander Ceilidh Band’ a cluich dhuinn gu 7f. Bidh iomad cothrom còmhradh ann an Gàidhlig, Gàidhlig a’ chluinn agus Gàidhlig a’ chleachdadh aig an tachartas seo.
Tha fàilte ro chlann agus inbhich, luchd fileanta agus luchd ionnsachaidh. Thèid a chèilidh a ruith aig pàrantan agus clann a tha fileanta anns a’ Ghàidhlig.
Cruinnichidh sinn airson fealla-dhà agus spòrs air leth.