Là Abairt na Gàidhlig 2024 // Say a Gaelic Phrase Day 2024

‘S e Diardaoin 22 Gearran an treas Là Abairt na Gàidhlig. Tha seo na iomairt airson daoine a bhrosnachadh gus Gàidhlig fheuchainn, no am beagan a th’ aca a chleachdadh! Airson pàirt a ghabhail, chan eil agad ach ri abairt Gàidhlig bhon duilleag seo a thaghadh (no fear dha do thoil fhèin), ionnsaich mar a chanas tu e (le bhith ag èisteachd ris an Ghàidhlig), dèan bhidio (air d’ fhòn, tablet no coimpiutair) agus cuir air na meadhanan sòisealta e leis na tagraichean-hais #LàAbairtNaGàidhlig agus #SayAGaelicPhraseDay. Cho furasta sin!

Nach iarr sibh air ur caraidean a bhith an sàs sa chùis cuideachd? Ma tha misneachd gu leòr agaibh, faodaidh sibh abairt no dhà a chur còmhla a’ cleachdadh ‘agus’. Ma tha faclan a bharrachd a dhìth oirbh, bheir sùil air Learn Gaelic Dictionary. Ma tha sibh airson tuilleadh ionnsachadh mu bhith bruidhinn na Gàidhlig, theirig gu SpeakGaelic, learngaelic.scot or Duolingo.


Thursday 22nd February 2024 is the third Say A Gaelic Phrase Day. This is an initiative to encourage people to try speaking Gaelic, or to use the Gaelic that they have! To take part, all you need to do is pick a Gaelic phrase from this page (or make up your own one), learn how to say it (by listening to the audio file), make a video (on your phone, tablet or computer) and post it on social media using the hashtag #LàAbairtNaGàidhlig or #SayAGaelicPhraseDay. Simple as that!

Why not encourage your friends to take part – the more, the merrier! If you are feeling confident, you can combine multiple phrases using ‘agus’ (the Gaelic for ‘and’). If you are looking for more words, check out the Learn Gaelic Dictionary. If you want to find out more about speaking Gaelic, why not check out, SpeakGaelic, learngaelic.scot or Duolingo.

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