Guided Gaelic Conversation Group for Post-beginners

Central Library Wellgate Shopping Centre, Dundee

A bheil sibh ag ionnsachadh a’ Ghàidhlig ann an clàs aghaidh ri aghaidh, air-loidhne no a’ cleachdadh Duolingo? A bheil sibh airson cothrom a bhith a’ bruidhinn ri luchd-ionnsachaidh eile? Carson nach tig sibh don seisean againn, a tha saor ‘s an-asgaidh, far as urrainn dhuibh ur cuid Gàidhlig a leasachadh agus misneachd a thogail […]


A Talk on Gaelic in Dundee – Gàidhlig ann an Dùn Dè

Central Library Wellgate Shopping Centre, Dundee

Gaelic is used every day in the city but now only in the place names and street names like the story of the Gaels in Dundee has also been lost. Participants will find out about their Gaelic history and the importance of Gaelic and the Gaels in Dundee's story. Supported by Leisure & Culture Dundee. […]

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