Oidhche de dh’ òrain le Joy Dunlop

Bellshill Cultural Centre John St, Bellshill

Join us for an evening of Song with acclaimed Gaelic singer, Joy Dunlop.


Àm airson na Gàidhlig – Time for Gaelic

Greenfaulds High School Auchenkilns Rd, Cumbernauld

An afternoon of traditional Gaelic music, song and activities for all age Arts and crafts, storytelling and a celebration of Gaelic music and culture Leugh is Seinn le Linda Singing workshop with Ceit Langhorne Cumbernauld Gaelic Choir Author Maya MacGregor Come and try Shinty Sessions Gaelic Books Council Bookstall

Oidhche de dh’ òrain le Catherine Tinney

Bellshill Cultural Centre John St, Bellshill

Thig còmhla rinn air Dihaoine 23mh den Ghearran, 2024 aig 7.30f airson cuirm-ciùil sgoinneil le seinneadair Catherine Tinney. Bidh tòrr ceòl, de dannsa is de chraic a dhol! There'll be plenty of music, dancing and fun to be had! Join us on Friday 23rd of February, 2024 at 7.30pm in the company of acclaimed Gaelic […]


Àm airson na Gàidhlig

Greenfaulds High School Auchenkilns Rd, Cumbernauld

Feasgar làn ceòl agus òran traidiseanta, ealan is ceàirdean agus sgeulachdan is gnìomhan do gach aois . Thig còmhla agus dean subhachas cànan is cultar na Gàidhlig. // An afternoon of traditional Gaelic music, song and activities for all ages. Art and crafts, storytelling and a celebration of Gaelic music and culture. Leugh is Seinn […]

Coiseachd Gàidhlig Nàdair – Gaelic Nature Walk

Drumpelier Country Park Coatbridge

Thig còmhla ri tisdear Gàidhlig agus seinneadair Bria Mason airson coiseachd nàdair ann an Drumpellier Country Park. Ionnsaichibh mu nàdair ann an cultar na Gàidhlig, ainmean nam beathaichean agus lùsan agus èistibh ri sgeulachdan ceangailte riutha. // Join Gaelic teacher and singer Bria Mason for a relaxed nature walk through Drumpellier Country Park, You can […]

Cuir taic ri Seachdain na Gàidhlig // Support Seachdain na Gàidhlig Thoir tìodhlac an seo // Donate Here