EUSA Societies Drop-in: Running Bilingual Events

EUSA Activities Office, Pleasance Edinburgh

Ceistean agad mu thachartasan mion-chànain? Thig còmhla ri EUSA airson an drop-in sònraichte seo a bhios a’ toirt sùil air lìbhrigeadh tachartasan is cruthachadh goireasan dhan Ghàidhlig, BSL agus mion-chànain eile. // Questions about hosting minority language events? Come and join EUSA for this special societies drop-in focussing on delivering events and creating resources for […]

Pop-up Gàidhealtachd and Language Taster

Student Community Lounge, Potterrow Edinburgh

Cothrom sàmhach, sòisealta airson do chuid Ghàidhlig a chleachdadh agus gus barrachd fhaighinn a-mach mu chànan is chultar na Gàidhlig, air a chumail san t-Seòmar-suidhe sa Photterrow. // A relaxed, social space for using your Gaelic and finding out more about Gaelic language and culture, held in the Student Community Lounge in Potterrow. Cost: Free