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Sequamur: Gaelic Play-in-a-Day

1 March @ 11:00 am - 5:00 pm

- Free

‘S e buth-obrach dà-chànanach a bhios ann–Nì sinn ‘Sequamur’ le Donald S. Mhoireach (a’ Ghàidhlig le Catrìona Dunn), dealbh-chluich mu dheidhinn a’ Chogaidh Mhòir agus a’ bhuaidh mhòr a th’ aig cogaidhean air coimhearsnachdan. Tha sinn air ar dòigh gum bi cleasaiche Artair Donald a’ stiùireadh!

Bidh com-pàirtichean air an roinn ann am buidhnean. Bidh gach buidheann ag obair air pàirt eadar-dhealaichte san dealbh-chluich, agus aig deireadh an tachartais, thèid an dealbh-chluich a chur air adhart airson caraidean is teaghlaichean!

Bidh cofaidh, tì, ceapairean agus measan ann airson com-pàirtichean.

Tha ‘Sequamur’ air a chleachdadh aig Àrd Ìre anns na sgoiltean.

This will be a bi-lingual workshop–We will putting on ‘Sequamur’ by Donald S. Murray (Gaelic translation by Catrìona Dunn), a play about WWI and the impact of war on communities. We are delighted that actor Artair Donald will be directing!

Participants will be put into groups. Each group will work on a different part of the play, and at the end of the event, the play will be put on for friends and family! We are open to all – no experience necessary.

There will be coffee, tea, sandwiches, and fruit available for participants.

‘Sequamur’ is a set text at A Level in schools.

*Although this is a free event, it is really important that you register: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/gaelic-play-in-a-day-sequamur-drama-workshop-with-artair-donald-tickets-1203857152149?aff=oddtdtcreator


Comann Ceilteach Oilthigh Obar Dheathain
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University of Aberdeen
King’s College
Aberdeen, AB24 3FX United Kingdom
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Comann Ceilteach Oilthigh Obar Dheathain
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University of Aberdeen
King’s College
Aberdeen, AB24 3FX United Kingdom
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