Welcome to our Gaelic Circus Open Day, a two hour open session on Saturday 25th of February from 1-3pm at Paisley Community Circus, free to anybody, offering circus skills of all kinds to families, adults and children. A great opportunity for people young and old to try something new through the medium of Gaelic! We will also have the opportunity to try out a few Gaelic phrases in our regular classes, particularly for kids, throughout Gaelic Week.
Fàilte gu Latha-Fosgailte Siorcas Gàidhlig againn, bùth-obrach dà uair a thìde a dh’fhaide air Disathairne an 25mh dhen Ghearran bho 1-3f aig Siorcas Coimhearsnachd Pàislig, saor-an-asgaidh gu duine sam bith, a’tairgsinn sgilean siorcais dè gach seòrsa gu teaghlaichean, inbhich agus clann. Bidh seo na chothrom airson daoine seann is òg rudan spòrsail is ùr fheuchainn tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig, ge bith dè an ìre de Ghàidhlig a th’ aca. Cuideachd, tha sinn airson beagan de Ghàidhlig a chur a-steach gach chlas a bhios sinn ga libhrigheadh, gu sònraichte airson cloinne, tro Sheachdain na Gàidhlig.