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28 February @ 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Thigibh ann an cuideachd Oifigear Cultair Ghàidhlig CHARTS Àdhamh Ó Broin, Co-mhantachd Coill-Uisge Cheann Tìre agus aoighean eile air son feasgar dòigheil a’ rùrachadh dualchas Ghàidhlig Sgibinis ’s na coilltean timcheall air.  Leigidh an tachartas le luchd-labhairt ’s luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig ceanglan ùra a dhianamh ’s an dàimh a th’ aca ri tìr ’s muir a roinn ’s air na h-àiteachan a thug seachad cainnt ’s sgeultachd.

Tòisichidh an tachartas ann an Talla a’ Bhaile Sgibinis aig 1f, air a leantainn le sgrìob ann an Coille Sgibinis, far an ionnsaichear mu dhéidhinn dualchainnt Ghàidhlig Cheann Tìre, far an cluinnear sgialachdan bho shliochd an luchd-labhairt fhileanta mu dhéireadh de’n chànan ’s far am bith cothrom ann sràid a ghabhail san dùthaich tro phrospaig dualchas Ghàidhlig an àite.

As déidh na cuairte, bidh céilidh ann le ùrachadh ann an Talla Sgibinis.  Bidh acainnean-ealain ann air son nan daoine a bhios ag iarraidh rudaigin a tharainn às a’ chuairtgu h-ealanta.  Ma bhios ùine gu leòr ann, bidh sràid eile ann sa choille taobh Claonaig.

’S e cothrom air leth a th’ ann an seo gus ceangal a dhianamh ris an àrainneachd ionadail agaibh ’s dualchas Gàidhlig an àite fhad ’s a chuireas sibh ri iomairtean ri thighinn a chomharachas ’s a ghleidheas Cànan nan Gàidheal ann an Ceann Tìr.

Thoir an aire gum bith cuid de’n tachartas seo taobh-muigh ann an Sgibinis ’s Coille Claonaig.  Nach cuir sibh oirbh aodach freagarach, blàth ’s brògan dìonach, leis gum bith an talamh car mi-chomhrad ’s dh’fhaoidte sleamhainn.


Join Culture Heritage and Arts Assembly, Argyll and Isles (CHARTS) Gaelic Culture Officer Àdhamh Ó Broin, Kintyre Rainforest Alliance and guests for an engaging afternoon exploring the Gaelic heritage of Skipness and surrounding woods. This event will allow Gaelic speakers and learners to make new connections and share their cultural roots, focusing on the land and sea that shaped their language and stories.

The event will begin at Skipness Village Hall at 1.00pm, followed by a walk in Skipness Woods, where you’ll learn about the unique Kintyre Gaelic dialect, hear local stories from descendants of the last fluent Gaelic speakers, and explore the natural world through the lens of Gaelic heritage.

Following the walk, enjoy a Ceilidh with light refreshments at Skipness Hall. Art materials will be provided for those who wish to reflect creatively on their experience. If time allows, there will also be a walk at Claonaig Oak Woods.

This is a wonderful opportunity to connect with your local environment and Gaelic traditions while contributing to future projects that celebrate and preserve the Gaelic language in Kintyre.

Please note that some of this event will take place outside at Skipness and Claonaig Woods. Please wrap up warm and wear appropriate footwear, as the ground will be uneven.

Booking is required for this event. Please register via Eventbrite, which will go live on January 13th, 2025. 


Air a mhaoineachadh le Seachdain na Gàidhlig tro Mhaoin nan Tabhartas Beag, le taic bho Bhòrd na Gàidhlig // Funded by Seachdain na Gàidhlig’s Small Grants Fund with support from Bòrd na Gàidhlig.



28 February
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Event Categories:


skipness village hall
Argyll and Bute Council PA29 6XT United Kingdom + Google Map


28 February
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Event Categories:


skipness village hall
Argyll and Bute Council PA29 6XT United Kingdom + Google Map