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Lorg Glaschu @ Abhainn Cheilbhinn – «sealg scavenger» àrc-eòlach / archaeology scavenger hunt

25 February, 2023 @ 10:00 am - 12:30 pm

- Free

A bheil ùidh agad ann an àrc-eòlas agus eachdraidh Ghlaschu? Bidh an geama “Lorg – Glaschu” gad thoirt air cuairt tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig gus barrachd ionnsachadh ann an dòigh spòrsail. Thugainn agus cluich còmhla rinn!

Bidh sinn a’ coinneachadh faisg air prìomh gheata na Botanics agus a’ cluich “sealg scavenger” le dealbhan ri taobh na h-aibhne. Bidh sinn ag ionnsachadh barrachd mu àrc-eòlas gnìomhachais na sgìre ann an dòigh neo-fhoirmeil agus – tha mi ’n dòchas – spòrsail!

Bidh sinn a’ tòiseachadh aig 10m agus bidh sinn deiseil mu mheadhan-latha. Ma tha ceist sam bith agad, nach cuir thu fios thugam.

Ma bhios an t-sìde ro gharbh, bidh againn ri seo a chur dheth, ach feuchaidh mi ri àm eile a lorg air a shon. Cùm sùil air na meadhanan sòisealta aig Lorg-Glaschu son barrachd fios.

Bidh feum agad air:

–              Fòn-làimhe agus dàta (bidh sinn a’ cleachdadh an làrach-lìn seo: https://www.lorg-glaschu.com)

–              Aodaich agus brògan freagarrach airson beagan coiseachd

–              Do chuid Ghàidhlig – na gabh dragh mura bheil thu fileanta no mura bheil thu a’ faireachdainn misneachail. Tha an làrach-lìn agus an geama anns a’ Ghàidhlig air fad, ach tha an geama fhèin sìmplidh gu leòr, agus bidh goireasan ann gus do chuideachadh (hyperlinks agus liosta de fhaclan feumail, m.s.a.a.). Tha fàilte air daoine aig gach ìre de dh’fhileantas a bhios deònach feuchainn agus cluich còmhla rinn!

A rèir co mheud cluicheadair a bhios ann, ’s dòcha gum bi sinn a’ cluich ann am buidhnean beaga.

Ma thu airson pàirt a ghabhail, bhithinn fada nad chomain nan cuireadh tu fios thugam air Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LorgGlaschu, instagram (@lorg_glaschu) no gu lorg.glaschu@gmail.com


Bidh sinn a’ coiseachd an dà chuid air slighean gu math rèidh agus leacaichte, agus air slighean rudeigin nas gairbhe a dh’fhaodadh a bhith fliuch. Tha staidhrichean ann an cuid de dh’àitichean. Faic mapa de na Gàrraidhean Botanics agus den Kelvin Walkway son barrachd fios fhaighinn.

Tha an geama air fad taobh a-muigh.

Tha taighean-beaga ann faisg air làimh.

Tha fàilte cridheil air teaghlaich, buidhnean òigridh agus m.s.a.a. Tha an geama le dealbhan gu math freagarrach do chlann, ach dh’fhaodadh pàirtean dheth a bhith caran doirbh mura bheil iad comasach air leughadh fhathast. Tha goireasan agus teacsa nas fhasa ann dhaibh, ge-tà, agus bidh mi toilichte ceist sam bith a fhreagairt mun ìre de dhuilgheadas.

Taing mhòr!

Tha mi ‘n dòchas d’ fhaicinn ann!  😊

Are you interested in archaeology? The game “Lorg-Glaschu” will bring you on a short trip through time through the medium of Gaelic. Come and play with us!

We will meet at 10am at the Main Gate at the Botanic Gardens, and then move on to play a scavenger hunt around the River Kelvin, learning more about the history and industrial archaeology of the place in the process!

In case of particularly bad weather we might have to cancel or postpone, please keep an eye on social media for updates!

You will need:

–              A fully charged mobile phone with phone data (we will use this website for the game: https://www.lorg-glaschu.com)

–              Clothes and shoes that are comfortable for a bit of walking

–              Your Gaelic skills – but don’t worry if you are not fluent or very confident. While the website is entirely in Gaelic and aimed at encouraging the use of the language, the game itself is simple and there will be additional resources for those who need them – such as hyperlinks and word lists to help you describe what you see, and build your skills in the process! If you have any questions about any of this, feel free to get in touch.

Depending on numbers we might play in small teams. If you would like to take part, please let us know on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/LorgGlaschu , Instagram (@lorg_glaschu) or via email to lorg.glaschu@gmail.com


We will be walking both on paved and level path, and slightly more rugged terrain (paths beside the river, staircases to reach a couple of checkpoints). Please see the Botanic Gardens the Kelvin Walkway maps for more details.

The game will be entirely outdoors.

There are toilets available at the Botanics.

Family and children-friendly event. The picture game is easy enough and there are some simplified reading and resources for the younger children. If you are any questions about difficulty/resources please get in touch!

Thank you!

Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions at all!

Hopefully see you there! 😊


25 February, 2023
10:00 am - 12:30 pm
Event Category:




Glasgow Botanic Gardens
730 Great Western Rd
Glasgow, G12 0UE
+ Google Map
0141 276 1614


25 February, 2023
10:00 am - 12:30 pm
Event Category:




Glasgow Botanic Gardens
730 Great Western Rd
Glasgow, G12 0UE
+ Google Map
0141 276 1614