Gaelic is used every day in the city but now only in the place names and street names like the story of the Gaels in Dundee has also been lost.
Participants will find out about their Gaelic history and the importance of Gaelic and the Gaels in Dundee’s story.
Supported by Leisure & Culture Dundee.
Thèid Gàidhlig a cleachdadh gach là anns a’ bhaile ach a-nis, dìreach anns na h-ainmean air na h-àiteachan agus sràidean mar a tha sgeulachd nan Gàidheal air a bhith falaichte cuideachd.
Bith co-roinntich a’ faighnn a-mach mun eachdraidh Ghàidhlig aca agus dè cho chudromach a tha Gàidhlig is na Gàidheil ann an sgeulach Dhùn Dè.