Monday: Gaelic theme to Strathnairn Community Arts Group 10:30-12:00
Monday: Gaelic heritage of Strathnairn. Presentation by Willie Forbes, Strathnairn Heritage Association 19:30-21:00
Wednesday: Gaelic Conversation Café / Cafaidh Còmhraidh – Gàidhlig ann an Srath Naruinn 10:30-12:00
Friday: Gaelic Music Café / Àm is Àite, Strathnairn Music Initiative 15:30-17:00
Saturday: Gaelic Conversation Café / Cafaidh Còmhraidh – Gàidhlig ann an Srath Naruinn 12:00-14:30
Saturday: Gaelic Bookbug for Baby and Toddlers 14:30-15:30
All events are free to attend and open to all (apart from Bookbug – babies, toddlers and parents/carers only)