We would love you to join us for our most ambitious Seachdain na Gàidhlig yet, and celebrate the richness and vibrancy that Scottish Gaelic brings to life in Scotland and beyond.

We will be offering resources and running free, online workshops for school children of all ages throughout Seachdain na Gàidhlig | World Gaelic Week from 19th – 25th February 2024. Resources and workshops are tailored to suit schools with all levels of Gaelic experience – from total beginners to fluent speakers.

Register now for updates about free resources, competitions and workshops by completing this short form.

Please note the data you provide will be used to contact you for the purpose of delivering educational opportunities connected to Seachdain na Gàidhlig. You can opt out by contacting us at any time.

Register Your School’s Interest

Ainm slàn / Full name(Required)
Seòladh puist-d / Email address(Required)
Seòladh na sgoile / School address(Required)
Dè an ìre de Ghàidhlig a th’ aig a’ chlas agad? / What level of Gaelic does your class have?(Required)
Dè an clas a bhios tu a’ teagasg / Which age group do you teach?(Required)
Dè na gnìomhan anns a bheil ùidh agad? / What are you interested in?(Required)
A bheil cothrom agad air seiseanan air loidhne a fhrithealadh air Teams? / Can you access online sessions on Teams?(Required)
A bheil an sgoil agad saor airson pàirt a ghabhail ann an seiseanan bhùthan-obrach air loidhne eadar 19mh is 25mh dhen Ghearran? / Is your school available to participate in online workshop sessions during 19th – 25th February?(Required)