Sùil air: Cruinneachadh Gàidhlig an Luirg // Case Study: Lairg Gaelic Gathering

Le taic bho Mhaoin nan Tabhartas Beag, air a thabhann le Bòrd na Gàidhlig, chuir Ionad Ionnsachaidh Sgìre an Luirg cruinneachadh Gàidhlig air dòigh air 26 Gearran. B’ e cèilidh traidiseanta a bh’ ann le sgeulachdan, ceòl, òran is dannsa bho luchd-ciùil ionadail is buidhnean coimhearsnachd. Bha seisean ealain ann cuideachd gus am biodh Gàidhlig faicsinneach aig an tachartas agus chaidh ceisteachan a dhèanamh gus cleachdadh is ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig a bhrosnachadh aig an tachartas.

Bha e na amas dhaibh luchd-labhairt, luchd-ionnsachaidh is daoine aig nach robh Gàidhlig idir a thoirt còmhla gus fèill a dhèanamh air cànan is cultar na Gàidhlig. Thug iad a-steach buidhnean a bhios a’ cur ri ìomhaigh na Gàidhlig san sgìre: Còisir Ghàidhlig an Luirg, com-pàirtichean Fèis Chataibh, clann a bhios a’ dol tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig am Baile Dhubhthaich bho air feadh Chataibh is Shiorrachd Rois, cuid bho chomataidh Sutherland Sessions, luchd-ionnsachaidh a bhios a’ frithealadh chlasaichean air-loidhne tro Ionad Ionnsachaidh Sgìre an Luirg, agus daoine bho air feadh Chataibh is Shiorrachd Rois.

Bha 70 an làthair uile-gu-lèir – 38 inbheach is 32 pàiste.

Bhrosnaich iad na bha ann gus Gàidhlig ionnsachadh fad an fheasgair, fiù le bhith ag òrdachadh tì is cofaidh.

Bha iad an toiseach an dòchas an tachartas a chumail air an oidhche ach cha d’ fhuair iad àite freagarrach ach bha iad uabhasach soirbheachail leis an tachartas air feasgar na Sàbaid. Fhuair iad grèim air luchd-ciùil air leth tàlantach bhon sgìre fhèin. Bha an tachartas air leth math airson daoine a thoirt còmhla a-rithist an-dèidh a bhith sgapte bho chèile ri linn Covid-19, agus chuir e taic ri deagh shlàinte-inntinn is shunnd. 

Bha daoine uabhasach toilichte a bhith ann agus chaidh a ràdh gum biodh iad airson tachartasan mar seo fhaicinn san sgìre a-rithist, gu h-àraidh leis nach eil foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig ri fhaighinn nas fhaisge na Baile Dhubhthaich. Bha buidhnean coimhearsnachd an dùil obrachadh còmhla gus pròiseactan dha leithid a chumail a’ dol.


With support from the Small Grants Fund, made possible by Bòrd na Gàidhlig, Lairg Gaelic Gathering took place on the afternoon of Sunday 26th February organised by the Lairg & District Learning Centre.  The event took form of a traditional cèilidh featuring storytelling, music, song and dance from local artists and community groups. It also included a creative art activity to increase the visibility of Gaelic at the event and ran a quiz to increase the use and learning of Gaelic at the event.

The aim was to bring people (Gaelic speakers, learners and non-Gaelic speakers) together in one place to celebrate Gaelic language and culture. They included local groups who promote the use of Gaelic and traditional music – attendees (and performers) at the event included Lairg Gaelic Choir, Fèis Chataibh participants, GME pupils from Sutherland and Ross-shire who attend GME in Tain, some of the Sutherland Sessions committee, Gaelic learners who attend classes via LDLC’s online learning opportunities and people from across Sutherland and Ross-shire. 

There were 70 people in attendance. (38 adults and 32 children).

Attendees were encouraged to use Gaelic as much as possible, including when asking for tea/coffee/refreshments.

It was originally hoped to have the event on an evening but the venue was not available so they went for a Sunday afternoon which turned out to be a great success.  They we were able to source a talented line up from the local area.  This event was also a great way to bring people back together again after lots of time apart throughout the pandemic supporting mental health and well-being.

Feedback from the afternoon was hugely positive, with emphasis being put on the importance of Gaelic events in the area where there is no Gaelic Medium Education provision closer than Tain. Community groups involved were keen to carry on with project and events like this.