Sùil air: Iomain Cholmcille – Cupa Iomain na h-Òige (Ceann a Deas na h-Alba) // Case Study: Iomain Cholmcille – Youth Shinty Cup (South Scotland)
Air Seachdain na Gàidhlig, le taic bho Mhaoin nan Tabhartas Beag (Bòrd na Gàidhlig), chaidh Cupa Iomain na h-Òige Cheann a Deas na h-Alba a chumail le Iomain Cholmcille airson na dara uarach. Thainig ceithir sgoiltean le deich sgiobaidhean eatorra. Bha 85 cluicheadairean ann, le 14 a bharrachd chloinne a’ tighinn mar luchd-amhairc. Bha iad seo uile aig aois bun-sgoile.
Bha an tachartas air fad ga ruith le sgioba de sgoilearan bho Àrd-sgoil Dhrochaid an Easbuig – eadar rèitirean, oifigich, a’ clàradh podcast, daoine a’ toirt seachad biadh agus iùil dhan taigh-bheag, bha mu 20 ann. Bha 30 inbhich an-sas taobh coidsidh is taic. Bha iad aig diofar irean de sgil a thaobh na Gàidhlig, ach bha a’ mhor-chuid fileanta.
Bha e anabarrach soirbheachail, le Gàidhlig ga chleachdadh a-measg òigridh aig diofar aoisean. Bha feadhainn de na coidsichean aig nach robh mòran Gàidhlig cuideachd a’ dèanamh barrachd oidhirp an cànan a chleachdadh na rinn iad an uiridh. Bha deagh fhaireachdainn air feadh an aite. Tha seo air ceanglaichean nas treasa eadar sgioba iomain na sgìre agus Bun-sgoil Innis an Uillt a chur air dòigh. Thainig clann bho Bhun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu airson taing phearsanta a thoirt seachad don luchd-eagrachaidh.
Bidh seo a’ neartachadh ìomhaigh na Gaidhlig agus ìomhaigh na h-iomain comhla aig Drochaid an Easbuig, far an tug an ceannard fàilte air a’ cho-fharpais ann an 2024. Bidh cothroman aig na cluicheadairean òga an-seo a dhol air adhart gu Farpais nan Gàidheal, Farpais nam Ban agus Iomain Cholmcille san am ri teachd.
Bidh clann a’ toirt tlachd às a’ chànan tro spòrs. Chuir iad a’ cheist air 80 clann, “An do chòrd an latha riut”, is thuirt 100% “Chòrd”. Aig a’ cheann thall choisinn Gleann Dail A a’ cho-fharpais, le Sgoil Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu A a’ buannachadh duais na Gàidhlig.
On Seachdain na Gàidhlig, with support from the Small Grants Fund (Bòrd na Gàidhlig), the Youth Shinty Cup for the South of Scotland was held by Iomain Cholmcille for the second year. Four schools attended bringing ten different teams between them. There were 85 players, with 14 additional children attending as spectators. They were all of primary school age.
The entire event was run by a team of school kids from Bishopbriggs Academy. Between referees, officials, recording a podcast, serving food and guiding people to the bathroom, there were around 20 altogether. 30 adults were involved in terms of coaching and support. They were at differing levels of Gaelic fluency but were mainly fluent.
It was a hugely successful event, with youngsters of all ages using Gaelic. Some of the coaches who were not fluent made a real effort to use Gaelic more than they did last year. There was a fantastic atmosphere around the event. It has strengthened ties between the local shinty team and Meadowburn Primary School. Children from the Glasgow Gaelic School attended to give a special thanks to the organisers.
It will aid in promoting the importance of Gaelic and of shinty at Bishopbriggs, where the headteacher has welcomed the 2024 competition. The young players will have a chance to compete at Farpais nan Gàidheal (Competition of the Gaels), the women’s competition, and Iomain Cholmcille in future.
Children enjoy using their language in sport. 80 children were asked if they enjoyed the day, and 100% responded with a resounding ‘Yes’. Glendale A were the day’s champions, with Glasgow Gaelic School A receiving the Gaelic cup.