Thigibh còmhla rium airson aon no dhà chlas meòrachadh airson Seachdain na Gàidhlig 2025. Bidh sinn a’ coimhead air an ceangal eadar sinne agus ar inntinn. Bidh na meòrachadh ann an dà-chànanach no Gàidhlig leis stiùiridhean sa Bheurla. Tha seo freagarrach airson duine sam bith, ma tha sibh air a bhith a’ meòrachadh roimhe no nach eil.
Whether you’re experienced at mindfulness or wanting to get started please join me for one or two mindfulness classes as part of World Gaelic Week 2025. We’ll be practicing phrase led practices from the Plum Village tradition with opportunities to share our experience in small break out rooms. Practices will be bilingual or in Gaelic depending on who attends. The instructions or teaching around mindfulness will be in English because of my limitations, but I’ll be encouraging the use of as much Gaelic as possible in a supportive environment.